This just blows me away....
My step son showed up here a few months ago, he tells us about how he had just come from the sub shop, he goes in orders his sub sandwich, and notices the girl making it , isn't wearing gloves, He proeceeds to tell her, that he has no idea where her hands have been,, etc etc and that it could be full of germs, etc etc this speel is quite elaborated , (I'm shortening it)
So after he stands there totally demeaning this young girl , humiliating and belittling this woman in front of the entire store of customers.......... he stands there and eats it in front of her!!!!
As he is telling us this , I listen to his tone, watch him smiling as he is telling us, I realise he is litterally delighting in his ability to "show her up" he made this woman look like such a horrible person and how good he is because he beleives he is doing her a favor by educating her
If it was really about germs and his real threat was the fact that making subs is not sanitary without gloves,, why did he eat it?
this to me is more about him and his ability to demean and belittle people.......
and he thinks "other" people have God complexes.........whatever
How can someone get off* by steping on another person I just don't get that