Author Topic: "Butterfly With A Voice" (little story)  (Read 1768 times)


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"Butterfly With A Voice" (little story)
« on: March 31, 2007, 06:56:27 PM »

~ The Butterfly With A Voice~

Once upon  a time there lived this Butterfly collector.
He was well known throughout his village as the man with the most beautiful Butterfly collection.
He was so well known that people from all the surrounding villages and towns would come and see his wonderful collection.
One day when the collector was outside attending his Butterfly's he spotted the most beautiful Butterfly he had ever seen.  This particular Butterfly seemed especially beautiful , as he stood there watching her flutter her delicate wings  arround his Apple trees.
. He thought to himself. I must have her for my collection. Surely she is the most spirited, the  most delicate Butterfly he had ever seen.
He waited for her to be still upon the branch, he then grabbed his net and gently swooshed it across the air entrapping the creature.
As time passed by, one of the  collector's neighbors noticed that this mans favorite Butterfly was not fluttering her wings like she use to. She had lost that fierce spirit, that was making her so special, her wings barely moved at all. Perhaps just a little flutter here and a little flutter there. Even her bright vibrant colors of her wings seemed to be fading.   This made the neighbor very sad. Deciding to tell the collector what he had seen.  The collector promised the man he would take her outside tomorrow where she could sun and enjoy the warm air again, as she listened to the birds.
And the following day that is exactly what he did.
But the owner had forgotten  about her being outside and later that evening he retired to his bed.
That evening a wild storm came overhead and the strong winds knocked the cage over.
The door of the cage flew open, and the Butterfly sat there feeling the wind and rain on her delicate wings. Slowly she fluttered one wing, and then the other, within moments she found her wings fluttering with the ferver that they use to. Before she was caged.
Off she flew to the branch of the Apple Tree, where she found some cover under the leaves . She slept.
Very early the  next morning  the man awoke, he remembered he had left his favorite Butterfly outside all night. He ran outside as fast as he could. Only to discover the  opened cage lying on the ground gently rocking back and forth to the rhythm of the breeze.
The man stood there in his silence , his face to the ground, he then looked up , he looked to the left and to the right  and  behind him. But he could not see his favorite Butterfly anywhere.
And then just as the sun was pearching itself in the sky , the man saw his Butterfly flying towards him. She fluttered for a moment in front of the mans eyes, then she perched herself on his left shoulder.  There she sat. The man did not know what to think, as he had never seen such a bold response from any other Butterfly he had ever known.
She then did something quite peculiar. She opened her mouth and in her own Butterfly  voice she said  to the man:

"I died to life and now a voice"
I was not your Butterfly without choice"
"My spirit is my  essense you see"
"Please do not take it away from me"

She smiled and then she took to flight, circling arround and arround, and higher and higher she flew.
As she did this, the man noticed her bright colorful wings again. He  had forgotten how once her bright  and colorful her wings had been, before he had caged her.  As he watched her fly up and out of his sight  in that spirited way that he so loved. He realised she was truly much more happy and much more beautiful in her freedom, than she was in a cage.

Blessings Poet:-)