Oh, girl. ...this absolutely makes my blood boil!! And my heart ache for you! (((((Sheeva))))))
I haven't yet left my NH and I hate to hear these stories, but yet at the same time I need to so I can learn ahead of time hopefully a do's and don'ts checklilst of sorts. I know my NH will be a total a$$ like yours during a divorce and so I sympathize with you more than you know.
I think, if I were in your shoes, I would make my N think he has won. Hoping it would stop his ridiculous behavior quicker. Someone here said to me once to become the
And it has helped me to cope with living with a terrible N H and be able to buy time while keeping him distracted by my charade of niceness and innocense. Nothing he does can upset me, because I have a plan!
I will come at him when the time is right with all guns a blazin' (so to speak, definitely not literally) By thinking of that simple phrase above with every word I speak to him and every glance I give him, I have thrown him off my trail so far he won't know what hit him. And now that I have thrown him for a mental loop and he is not trying to win and beat me down before I win and get the kids, I have found myself with tons more energy and time to spend moving behind the scenes and under his radar. Never thought I would say that, but it is true. He thinks we are reconciling and I have some to my senses. he soud not be furthur from the truth! I AM documenting and getting things set to make it on my own, and hopefully, have enough arsenal against him to keep our children under MY wing.
The kids are always my first priority and I can understand how you might feel you need to back off for a bit. This is heartbreaking, but if you can do it, and play this little chess game he thinks he is playing with you, it won't be for very long. You will know that you will see your precious child very soon. And that should keep you calm, clear-headed, and definitely motivated! Set yourself a time limit. 30 days to do this, 30 days to do that. Whatever.....and make your ex-husband THINK he is winning, and yes, maybe even warming your heart towards him again a bit too. Anything it takes-- IMO. This is your child, he will respect you for it one day. He won't , I think, understand if he feels you just turned your back on him for 'no reason'.
Hold your head high, and dig deep! Use every resource and ability /mind and emotional power you have. I don't know when the stakes are higher besides the children left to grow up solely under the "care" of an N!
I wish you strength whatever you choose to do. Forgive me for sounding like a loon, but I found myself very outraged by your story and I will be pulling for you. Different plans work for different folks. I hope you find a plan and a comfort which motivates you, strengthens you, brings you peace, and brings your "baby "back home to you! God-speed Sheeva!