Thanks for your post Margo.
You're aware that you're childhood experience is playing over and over in your head. What a gift you can internalize and change it! Most people don't even realize why they feel the way they do.
I have only figured it out this past year. It has really made a difference. After years of therapy, I have made significant strides this past year - due in part to this understanding (and in part to the community.)
You sound like you're going in a very good direction, to me.
Thank you. Your words or encouragement really help.
Sticking with changing patterns into habits is hard but...... eventually they become pleasures if you can keep it up: )
It really is hard. These words of encouragement give me strength and courage to stay on the same path. I'll take your word for it that "eventually they become pleasures if you can keep it up: )" It sounds like you know this from experience - do you? - GS
I responded to this post yesterday...... apparently it got eaten. I've been in pain, for variouse reasons, like everyone else in this life. I've come out stronger each time, wiser...... incorporating lessons and trying not to forget them before I can internalize them, lol. Amazing how re reading a good book teaches me how much I didn't internalize. I can read a book 4 and 5 times with a new highlighter and realize the things I've forgotten.... or how much I've grown from the last reading.
Just keep in mind that you will get through this and that you've chosen a path of enlightenment and healing. You will grow and become a stronger person for it. Before you know it..... happiness sneaks up and then you have to be careful about what you say yes and no to..... bc you're feeling strong enough to take chances again. Very important to set boundaries, even if you don't feel worthy. Very important to find comfort in enforcing them.... asserting yourself with confidence. I was just practicing yesterday with.... "If you are cruel or threatening to me..... I will know that you don't want to be a part of my life and I will stop communicating with you." I was calm and at peace saying it, where it would have made my heart pound and my breathing frantic a few months ago. Heck... a few weeks ago, lol. Maybe even days, if I'm honest. But.... the important this is.... I said it and I meant it. I do have the discipline to enforce it, I know. Now I wait and think about how I'll handle the situation in the days to come, so it won't catch me and whip me around like a rag doll. Again, lol. ::sigh::
Finding pleasure in the everyday little things of life is inviting harmony and serenity into life. Creating sacred spaces in our homes and honoring household God's..... disciplining ourselves to require respect. All part of the journey and it's not so hard to figure out. Harder to stay the course and refuse to become confused. We really should train ourselves to trust our instincts. I think our childhoods taught us to discount them and that's a shame bc they're all about protecting ourselves.... very useful and necessary. Very important to learn how to assert ourselves and use our voices. I use to write and write and write and write till my feelings were very clear and internalized so I didn't become confused in the face of emotional discussions with people who wanted to keep me off balance.
Good tool...::nodding::
So I know a little something about how to navigate the void, which we're all bound to go through. It's important to remember that you will come out of it...... facing the pain and dealing with solutions is the quickest way out. Yikes, I know... but true. Don't fear the pain... embrace it bc it has lessons to teach. Maybe that will help you?
I also know that things are going to be Ok. No matter. This knowledge really really helps during the hardest of times. I may lose my way in the moment... for a bit, but.... I always find my way back to logical thinking and problem resolution because I know.... it really will be OK. And I have me. Margo