My mother is very impulsive. She has fantasies of wealth and glamour that have caused her to invest in property way beyond her ability to sustain and this consistently results in her being in a financial emergency where she has nothing available to pay her bills. At a time when she should be thinking of taking things easy - she is 65 - she has debts of over 600000 dollars and lives in a constant state of being on the edge of financial meltdown. She does however have a valuable house that she is currently making over in order to sell. To do this she has borrowed 125k from my brother and it has now run out.
My situation: I have just split from my partner, sold up and have my share of the proceeds of the sale in order to put my life (as a single jobless childless 40-something) back on track. I don't know what my situation will be, I'm in a mess, I don't know what to do with my life etc but I do have a bit of security with which to make some choices when I feel able.
Problem: my mother is coming after me with a vengeance for financial bail-out. She says she wants money to finish off her house and says I'll get it back when she sells it; but I know that anything I lend her will just be for starters and it could seriously affect what choices i am able to make about my own future. It may work out and I'd get it back in a few months, or it may not and she could just keep making demands and it could well turn into a nightmare that I'd sorely regret. She has used intense emotional blackmail: "I don't think i'll ever be able to forgive you if you don't bail me out", "I have nowhere else to turn", "its for your own good as it will be your inheritance" etc.
I don't want to see her lose a lot of money and go into financial meltdown, but at the same time I don't trust her with money, resent the blackmail tactics she is using, am aware that she has never helped me financially, and have found her of late to be increasingly hostile and difficult to be around. I feel guilty and don't know whether I am being very hard or whether to help her. After all my brother has already bankrolled her to the tune of 125k (he has a well paid job and lives with her), but I didn't sign up for her house refurbishment plans and don't want to be dragged into her chaos. This feels just horrible. I don't want to be cold and cruel. I could be ending my relationship with my mother. This could be hastening her to financial disaster. The thing is, I don't understand why she just kept spending when she knew she couldn't cover her bills and resent having to bail her out like she's an irresponsible adolescent.
Please help.