I'm sorry to hear that you are jumpy. It's yucky to feel like you're living under a microscope or being monitored.
Rosenscrantz said:
individuals are allowed privacy within a marriage
This was exactly my thought as I was reading your post. I keep a dream journal, a regular journal, and go to places on the Internet that I rather my family not know about (no, not the porn stuff!

) Anyway, it used to bother my H but I tell him I need the privacy. I tell him, "you know generally what I'm working on, and I need the privacy." So he respects that. Besides, reading and writing are solitary pursuits!
Although I am tired of this word, this does sound like a boundary issue.
When I think of spouses who cannot stand to be alone and can't understand those who need some private time, I recall reading a story about a woman who sued for divorce. The judge asked her why she wanted to leave her husband who seemed like a nice guy. "Because he's boring, your honor." The judge said they would have to come up with a pretty good standard of what boring meant, and she and her lawyer did:
"Boring" in this case meant "depriving someone of their privacy without providing companionship."
Anyway, the difference between privacy and secretiveness depends on whether you are in the "know" or not! Good luck, Seeker