
When on VESMB I have felt

Cared for / Supported
16 (30.2%)
Ignored [passively] / Unheard
11 (20.8%)
Affirmed / Understood / Validated
15 (28.3%)
Rejected [actively]
7 (13.2%)
Manipulated [controlled, 'influenced', emotionally blackmailed]
4 (7.5%)

Total Members Voted: 10

Author Topic: Teartracks' Poll: Caring For One Another On VESMB  (Read 2107 times)


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Teartracks' Poll: Caring For One Another On VESMB
« on: April 21, 2007, 07:11:02 PM »
Here, tracks, I set it up as a poll. If I can, I'll move it to your thread as soon as it posts.

I expanded the definitions and added one category because we had 'excellent good fair' but no 'poor' so to speak.

People can vote up to five times, so it's possible to vote for all 5 options if you've experienced all 5.

I haven't voted yet. I'll vote after a few others have voted, so that I am anonymous.

Edit in: drat, I can't move it, I can only quote and move the text box. So here it stays, I guess.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2007, 07:17:20 PM by Stormchild »
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Re: Teartracks' Poll: Caring For One Another On VESMB
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2007, 01:07:59 PM »
Wish more would take it so it would be more accurate!

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"

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Re: Teartracks' Poll: Caring For One Another On VESMB
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2007, 01:47:07 PM »
I would love to take the poll but do not understand where it is or how to get there.

Sea storm


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Re: Teartracks' Poll: Caring For One Another On VESMB
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2007, 02:19:27 PM »
Heads up, seastorm

The top of this page!

Aren't you glad that cows can't fly?


sea storm

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Re: Teartracks' Poll: Caring For One Another On VESMB
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2007, 04:59:17 PM »
I have felt all of those things at various times. I think some people get loads of attention and I have no idea what influences this. Sometimes people who are suffering are barely responded to while if one talks about how cute their dog is they will get fifty replies. I find this disheartening.
i notice that if someone says, Hey, I really need help then it usually comes to them.
I notice that cheerful people get more replies. I notice that sometimes the board slows down and people just chat about anything and it is far away from working through issues with narcissists.
I notice that there is an unfortuneate trend to ignore the post before one responds. this seems like poor manners or poor listening skills,. For instance A will say something and then B will say something and then C will start telling A how great they are and totally ignore B. This feels like high school popularity contest to me. I find it hurtful.

On the other hand it has been wonderful to have such support and though imperfect at times I still love this place.

Sea storm


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Re: Teartracks' Poll: Caring For One Another On VESMB
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2007, 07:10:37 PM »
I'm good. 
I have no problem with the board.  I have no problem with response either. 

I like to read all your post and always get something out of them all.  Things I already knew, things I learned and how many people have things in common even if it is,uh!! Lavender, many of us like lavender. Or OC and her red shoes,
Izzy who I should still think should write a book, witty and make me hella laugh, Hops who always finds *good things* makes your life less hell with her words , CB who's heart is as big as her farm was (now the city), Really who is smart as a  whip, Sea who reminds me of white clouds against a blue sky when it storms, it pours but only passing by for those clouds against a blue sky to come out again, Poet who is a poet just not a screen name, Lupita, TT, Sovereign, James, Bean, Write, Margo, Storm, Axa, Storm, GS, Leah, Camper, Mudd, Jay, Cats paw, Penny,Grats, Sheeva, Sunny, Moon, besee, Mum, Just everyone on here even if they are just passing with not many post at all, I might have missed some names cause I am very tired but I think of everyone on here.

I think the description above fits us all in ways. We just have different times of being there, doing that, feeling it. 
But I love ya all.



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Re: Teartracks' Poll: Caring For One Another On VESMB
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2007, 07:22:26 PM »
The comment about C responding to A and ignoring B?  This happens to me all the time.  But I have concluded that a lot of the time I am typing at the same time C is typing.  I am B and I post it just a little bit before C gets theirs in...........thereby, I become a hiccup in the flow of things and a lot of times go unnoticed.  Sometimes it doesn't bother me because I am making some off the wall comment anyway......(I'm sorry I do this....I often am frustrated and it comes out in a sarcastic, short post (mostly because of the phone issue and not being able to ramble - right now I am on a computer so I will ramble on!!!!!!!!)

Sometimes I feel neglected.....................but another thing I tend to do is get off subject and it is ok if someone puts it back on subject......................but it still hurts when you feel unheard and acknowledged.

I, too, love the people on this board......but the board ebbs and flows.  Notice.............Leah posted many times daily.  I have been on since 2004 and she joined in January 2007 but I think she has more posts than I but we haven't heard much from her lately..................I am sure she will be back.  S and S took a break.  Hops did.  Lupita did.  Sometimes if I am feeling REALLY in need of support, I will be here a lot.  If I am feeling pretty stable...........I might take a break.  I also take a break when a fight starts..........I have too much drama in my life already to get involved in in-fighting...

But - I love you all and thank you for your support!  Kelly


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Re: Teartracks' Poll: Caring For One Another On VESMB
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2007, 07:38:55 PM »
Deb, thanks.

A cool drink on a parched day.


When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010


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Re: Teartracks' Poll: Caring For One Another On VESMB
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2007, 10:28:24 PM »
Me too. Thanks Deb.
I think on weekends especially...when all the "normal" Norman Rockwell families are frolicking in their mellow connectedness, or all the "normal" couples are strolling along enjoying a beautiful spring day holding hands...

On weekends, sometimes I turn frantically to those I feel closest to, and express some of the hurt and neglect and invisibility. And sometimes I feel closest to the people here on the board.

So that's how I interpret flashes of disappointment or conflict that now and then appear here on a weekend.

I think compared to most settings...intentional hurting anybody here is rare as hen's teeth. But at times when I'm all caught up in my own energy, I am sure I miss some of the quieter folks who'd just like a reply. I'm glad anyone who feels that way spoke up, but I'm concerned they'll be disapppointed again. And I'm sorry for my part in that when it happens.

One of the toughest things for me has been at times to feel so needy. That makes me dependent. And that makes me hypersensitive to affront, or to being ignored. I don't feel that way so much now, but it's triggered real hurt at times. When I feel more centered, I don't take things (including silence) personally.

I love everyone here too. Everyone's been my teacher.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."