I talked to the N who is making my life hell yesterday. Not only has he gotten custody of our little boy, but when I called during court ordered time, he became angry and got on phone to demand that I give him my welfare workers name and number right then and there. I was trying to have a pleasant conversation with my son, so I pleasantly declined his request. He immediately "lost it" and started telling my son that he had to hang up, giving him chores and demanding that he put on his PJs while talking to me. My four year old son, said "I am going to clean and keep talking to you mommy" so he cleaned up with one hand while we talked on the phone. He also started telling my son to tell me not to "call anymore" and all kinds of other stupid crap. I am so worried about my son. Now that my ex has physical custody and there are no more court dates to torture me with. He is resorting to other means to try to hurt me through our son. I am so worried about the effect it will have on our son. I am also worried that he will take out anger on our son, when our son is no longer useful to him, and he sees him as a burden. My ex is super unreliable. He has also moved our sons bedtime to the same time I am allowed a court ordered call. He has done this just to make it so I cant talk to our son anymore. He is trying to get reaction out of me, and hurt me. I did not show him any hurt or reaction in our last conversation, I think that is why he started to escalate it to having our son tell me not to call. He wants so badly to inflict pain on me, thats why he took my baby, that I raised by myself, I told him one time that I lived for my children and I would die without them. I told him that the courts destroyed lives and should be avoided. Now he has our little boy, and he doesn't know what to do. He needs me to hurt, he wants me to PAY, and he has told me that several times when I asked him why he was doing this to our family. He always responded with "Your going to PAY now." I guess when I left him for good it was too much for his ego and all this has been designed to make me pay, he is frantic now to get me emotionally, but there are no emotions left for him to elicit, or court dates for him to force me to go to, over the course of two years we had 20 court dates at least before he drove me financially into the ground and i was left without representation and he got custody. I am now going to start recording all my phone calls (I have court order that says i can) to my son and hope I can catch that SOB playing the pain games again, so that I can PROVE to the court that he isn't the wonderful concerned father he pretends to be. I will have ammo for the day when I can afford an attorney again.