I am about to leave to go Downtown and it hits me again- I love teaching this particular class of children who come from difficult and neglected backgrounds, they get so much from the music, and give so much joy to me...but I just down't want to hit the road.
It's a beautiful day, I want to potter round the garden, go buy a dress, plant some bougainvillia....
I need some down-time, some structured downtime.
Maybe ex was right to pressure me to stay home for the summer...
Though I did tell people about the job I want too; so I may well find myself workign full-time as an employee before too long.
Feels liek two conflicting things going on; maybe it'll work out so I have just enough down-time to enjoy before working hard again?
Either way I am going to enjoy Thursday and Friday and the next few Sundays with no church choir commitment....and for the first time in my life I realise the sky won't fall in if I do what I want with no obligation to anyone else!