I realized very recently that until the past few years, my philosophy matched that of my parents:
[font=Verdana]If at first you don't succeed, quit and try to find an easier way.[/font][/glow]
There was no regular diet in our house. You either ate nothing or everything and tried to make it even out.
Exercise was to lose weight or because there was a new "easy" product on the market.
Money will be won through the lottery or given to you when someone dies. Empty credit cards were a call to BUY!
And so on... I am sure you have stories of this nature you can add...
So, now I am living a normal person's (well, mostly) life. And I find I have to EARN everything. And sometimes it's a real pain. And sometimes I think that's because I wouldn't appreciate anything if I didn't have to work for it.
Does anyone know a quick way to lose a few pounds? LOL.
Love, Beth