Dear Teartracks,
You answered my question with so few words. I gave almost all I had. I, literally, was dying. Six months ago, I found that I could not eat. I was getting very, very thin. I would look in the mirror and see this skinny, sick looking person.
I think that I would have died so she could keep her mask on. I ,literally, would have given my life to protect her from facing herself. I am a little removed from it now(10 months later) It scares me to write these words and to see how close I was to giving up my life,if that is what it took, to keep her perception of herself as O.K.
I am in shock, as I write this. I never saw before the extent to which I gave her my life. I tried to help her and my father keep the lie that she was O.K.I said it in the last post, but she is a practicing therapist in Boston. Be careful who you trust with your heart and emotions
When I face what I am saying, I can see below the surface that I am a person with alot of qualities that I like. I have a really good sense of humor. I am learning Spanish . I play 2 instruments.I am very perceptive.Below all this trying to save her and keep her sane is a PERSON. I am a real person under all the trying to be her personal wastebasket. I volunteered to be her personal garbage bag. I was the one who carried all the fear, and pain for her so she could look O.K.
I see now that I have to continue my divorce. It has been a week. Already, I feel life coming back into me.I have hope. I have to thank you all from the bottom of my heart and soul for this website.
With Much Love Ami