I hope she give him Holy Hell!!!!!!
I want to ring his neck.
I have not spoken to him in over 1 year and very careful what reactions I give won't feed his N behavior.
She is in shock and I'm not able to do much for her until she talks. I believe he is passive aggressive to her because she wasn't calling him or writing to him so he wanted to hurt her.
He tells her how much he loves her and will continue to write her even if she does not respond to him. Ns can be just cruel and this is so cutting into her soul. I want to cry for her.
He can no longer afford to live in the house in CA, my first thought was he was going to give her away if he had to move so maybe telling her ahead of time she died then he wouldn't have to say he gave her away?
He has never been mean to animals and always showed lots of care for any animals we ever had.