Author Topic: N lies to D, Family dog in CA dies, neighbor friend says dog is fine  (Read 1478 times)


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D was crying when her N-dad tells her the family dog died last month.
Today a neighbor friend tells D our dog is fine.

She says she doesn't want to talk about it, but she was very upset about the news.
We are both happy about the family pet being alive but not happy about the lie.

I have a friend that lives in the area, after N tells D the news how our dog was getting old and she got sick and died I mentioned how sad D was.
My friends Daughter happen to see our neighbor in CA, at school.
She asked him if he sees our dog and neighbor said "all the time". Today my friend happened by the house where she saw our dog in the front yard.

I just don't know how to react to the news. I told D I understand if she would be angry.  She is walking around with an edgy anger but doesn't want to talk. I can't image if her dad calls the next time what she must think of him and what she would say..

Any thoughts ?



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This is reprehensible!!

I have been through many lies but none that reverse themselves so quickly.

If your daughter is not reacting, she must be in temporary 'shock' as to what her father said???????

I hope she give him Holy Hell!!!!!!

Keep is apprised


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    • Gale Warnings
OR, if you have any way to get the animal away from him, please try...
The only way out is through, and the only way to win is not to play.

"... truth is all I can stand to live with." -- Moonlight52


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I hope she give him Holy Hell!!!!!!

I want to ring his neck.
I have not spoken to him in over 1 year and very careful what reactions I give won't feed his N behavior.

She is in shock and I'm not able to do much for her until she talks. I believe he is passive aggressive to her because she wasn't calling him or writing to him so he wanted to hurt her.
He tells her how much he loves her and will continue to write her even if she does not respond to him.  Ns can be just cruel and this is so cutting into her soul. I want to cry for her.

He can no longer afford to live in the house in CA, my first thought was he was going to give her away if he had to move so maybe telling her ahead of time she died then he wouldn't have to say he gave her away?

He has never been mean to animals and always showed lots of care for any animals we ever had.


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Gee Gosh

I forgot to ask what age she is!

Such cruelty!

Can you get the point across that Truth is the best?



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D is 14yo.sweet girl
Dog is a pitbull girl dog (N found her walking the streets)

I asked his brother to tell N-X, to let us help find a home for the dog before he does something rash.  I let his brother know what happen asked him not to push the communication with N-X and D, she is upset.  X has not had much communication with his brother since he helped us move here to TX.



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(((((((((((((((((((OR)))))))))))))))))))))   :cry:

(((((((((((((((((((((OR's sweet D)))))))))))))))))))))

(((((((((((((((((((poor old pooch))))))))))))))))))))

--------------------------OR's X---------------------------


(thank god you moved)
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Hi OR,

Good to hear you again.
Are you in a position to take the dog or do you want to? If so maybe your ex's brother would take him off his hands without telling ex he is then sending him on to you. Just a thought.



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Thank you all for your thoughts.

Today I was very upset but told D lets just be thankful our dog was alive and well.

Ex knows what he did but Ns are so out of touch how they affect others it would be like asking someone with no legs to get up and walk... not going to happen.

I asked his brother to call him and find out why he lied to D. For now my best guess is he would be moving and didn't want to tell her if he must give her away. I will let ex know we all know now about the dog and will help him find her a home if need be.

Were having storms here and the elec. is going off
Got to go

Thank you all for your help