Hey Storm, theyre not really nifty just necessary, I suppose you could argue that they are the result of a growing population where isolation is more the norm than say a community or tribal group when world population was under a million say back in the day of the big n hairy dudes with clubs, although they were probably smaller dudes with clubs but still hairy nonetheless

Anyway whatever their purpose whether its to make us stronger as a collective species or just to bugger everyone up mentally and physically they are still part of the human race no matter how far from the norm they go in terms of their own perspective and desires. Anything a human does no matter how far from the norm is in fact natural, part of human nature, maybe twisted to the nth degree but still human nonetheless.
People on here maybe unhappy but thats because we've been put in situations beyond our control like being born to an N and God saying "...well what are you do now eh?" or perhaps we've grown up but haven't grown strong enough to deal with these N's and so we've been subjected to their evil ways because we were basically too dumb or blind to see what they really were, or maybe we had or have personality defects of our own that we have to address before we move on to be happy again. Whether there is a God who dishes out these things or whether it is just sheer luck (good or bad) that these things happen to us, we can either a) live in denial b) live in fear c) struggle to get out of our current dilemma or d) struggle and succeed to change our selves so that we can be a happy and productive part of society. Anyone thats on here is struggling and/or succeeding to be happy again and to better themselves, I will take the struggle any day of the week than denial or fear as those are the emotions that feed the N's among us.
Thanks Dandy, I think ive got too much time on my hands and I love to think about this stuff - life the universe and everything

Survival of the fittest as you say is chilling when looking at things from an individual and personal perspective although the human race as a whole operates as a large collective much like ants, we breed and build and progress until we fall back a few paces and start again. I suppose the ultimate goal is to get off the planet and spread out although I wouldnt fancy being an Alien who gets in our way as we wont really be that nice to meet as a whole, hopefully they'll be far more intelligent than us and just pat us on the head, sigh and let us go on our merry yet twisted way. Until we evolve into a new species we will always have "evil" among us and even in us all to some degree, its a sad fact of life but also quite possibly the key for some of us to live in happiness, and this happiness or any happiness must be cherished as whilst others suffer we cannot feel bad to be happy as we have struggled to get there, happiness can definitely be earned, thank goodness!
