I feel for you. You don't want to give up. You want to believe that something, anything can make your situation turn out well. You want the happy ending. That was what was promised to us, right? But he keeps doing crazy things, which terrify you. You decide that it has to end. Then he does something sane, and you think that maybe you overreacted, or perhaps that he will follow you, or even that this is just the way the world is. So you hesitate. A day is good, or at least not bad, so you wait and see. It is so HARD to turn one's life upside-down, and it seems so unfair, since you're trying to just live and let live.
But you say in no uncertain terms that he has not changed. You seem to know in your heart that he will not change. From what you describe, he is a menace to your health, both physical and emotional.
I hope that there is some way for you to locate the path that leads away from him. The advice that you might find helpful company at a women's shelter or a women's center seems like a very good idea. Once you talk with the people involved in a place that specializes in these matters, you might find it easier to create a plan that leads away from him, permanently. He just sounds too dangerous. You risk your life being with him. You deserve to be happy, not terrified. Life is too short for that, and it could be very short. Don't end up on the news. Just go. Get help and get away. Please.