I feel weird, like something is happening I can't sense and I am being somehow pushed out....maybe they don't want my programme any more and this is the passive-aggressive way of quashing it without having to be up front?
some people cant be managers, they dont have the skills, they dont know how to motivate or reprimand and end up becoming bitter and twisted, this is not your issue its theirs, be firm with them or just ignore their madness completely. Ive seen nice people turn into gits as they think thats how you manage,
thanks James, i think this is very much the case here, incompetence and lack of people skills and particularly assertiveness/ communication...this woman has become a prize b*tch and then wonders why everyone around her is behaving badly.
I'll try and do as you say, avoid their games.
take your gift to another place where they appreciate you and pay decently.
thanks Alice. The sad thing is this is a support group where people are going through some serious stuff- bereavement, cancer, partners with alzheimers.... I've been running it for three years with genuine empathy and the people I work with act like they couldn't care less and 'we shouldn't pander to people'. They just don't have the mindset to work a supportive environment. The woman I hve been working with for 18 months doesn't even know people's names or background, and she has brought more of her own issues to the group than enough but is unsympathetic for anyone else. I really do care, sometimes that's a mistake in corporate culture, it's all just glossy-brochure b/s.
Go work for her competition. It will give you satisfaction without requiring a breach of ethics.
it's interesting Storm, I suspect that the organisation doesn't work really, it's a bit of a sinecure. And here I am doing real work not pretend work...I think I am makign other people look bad because I have more ideas than them also they resent that I go straight to the director which I wouldn't have had to do if they had been more cooperative in the first place. I haven't complained about them or caused any trouble, but nor will I shut up and go away either.
You should let your light shine full force, be nice as pie to Everyone including backstabber, always take responsibility for your mistakes, and stop letting sabotagers reflect on you. If they mess up, don't take responsibility for it! Have firm boundaries, stand strong, and remember that their mistakes are not your responsibility! If you feel that repressed in your current workplace go somewhere else, where they will pay you what you are worth! Do your homework, find out what your skills are worth, learn to negotiate for more money, whatever it takes! You sound like a really smart cookie! There is a place somewhere out there where you will be appreciated for your talents. I finally found a profession that I love, and when you find something that you can do, that you also love the world becomes a brighter place! If you already love what you do, then find a place and a set of people that you love to do it at! Don't waste your life being unhappy!!!!!!!
wow Sheeva, great advice. I felt empowered just reading that. I do try to rise above it and not let petty politics stand in the way of what needs to be done, but I guess I am unrealistic in thinking other people will all see what I am trying to do and help. I've had more than enough success at that already, but this one woman sabateur- I told her I might be looking for a job; I guess insecure people hear 'I want your job'.
I have always underachieved though because whenever this happens, jealousy, competetiveness, nastiness, I always back off and act like it's my fault.
There's a lesson in it all somewhere....and it's strange that i was so humble there for so long and it's only been the last few months when I have really shone and enjoyed my achievements that the people turned nasty. But not all of them- just the two insecure ones.
And one of the other really good employess is having the same problems too, being pushed into doing not what she wants and loves but into doing the donkey work for incompetent boss lady.
It took me a long time to figure out what was going on--every time I started to succeed, it felt like I was dragging a ball and chain. I realized that I was downplaying my success and poking fun at my own abilities. All to make her feel less threatened.
yes, CB it's like you're encouraged to work hard- but don't be too good or people will resent it....
And she really was dear to me.
and that's the other thing which is strange in America, how people often turn on you when you're their friend and they feel secure. Friend means a different thing here, I think it would be friendly in the UK.
I am so pathetically easy to take advantage of, once I am emotionally attached it's like I stop setting boundaries and expectations for the other person. I think that because there is affection or love there will be mutual respect, but maybe I have just been unlucky lately but I keep bumping into people with huge entitlement who only want me to do what they want me to do.
Something inside me screams 'detach' about a few of my relationships and situations right now, of course, that's a major problem for me still....
What do you do Sheeva? I love my work too. Too much, it seems...