he jude dismissed my divorce action.
I don't quite understand this either. Just because you had sexual contact, the judge has the power to dismiss the divorce action? Is your stbx contesting the divorce action and used the sex as a reason to delay things once again? I think there are a number of people who would be guilty of having sex during divorce proceedings (I am not one of them, but have friends who did), but with all the other combative issues, I don't understand how that one thing could be reason for dismissal.
I never had to attend any of my pre-trial hearings. My attorney went, told the judge we had not yet reached an agreement and she or he postponed it to a future date. Most everything we did or decided was handled by the attorneys and the judge had very little involvement until the inability to reach a settlement got to be too long and we were ordered to go to mediation if we couldn't reach a settlement on our own. We did finally end up using a mediator to finalize the financial aspect, which I highly recommend if your stbx keeps jacking you around. I never even went to court until the day the divorce was made final.
I really recommend that you have no contact with your h. Require him to only deal with your attorney. If your attorney doesn't go along with this, get a new one. It sounds like you are a little unclear about what all happened at the hearing. Make sure your attorney clarifies it all for you so your h cannot break any rules without consequences.
Just remember that your h is really a giant coward inside, and he can huff and puff, but can't blow your house down.