Janet, Thank you so much for the site. I will definitely read it! I can see some good discussions coming up next time a verse is thrown at me.
I am so overwhelmed with feeling when I read your post. I have been there on SO many levels There ARE so many levels to your situation.
I stayed at home with children Even if you don't stay at home ,
I do stay home with children, 12 & 9 yo and I homeschool them.
I tried counseling with my husband MANY times. For me, I would say that it was totally ineffective. My husband was a respected professional and the counselors treated him as if he were "normal-"which he was not. THEY got involved in the craziness rather than stand outside it and help us out. I hate to say this, but I think that it was as simple as he "paid the bills"
I have seen this counselor on my own about three times so he is very aware of what my H is really like. He told me he would be a different counselor with my H there. We have a strategy that makes things my problems in order to get at his problems. It is harder than I thought.
The worst were the religious counselors or pastors who try to make everything O.K. in order to 'Preserve" the marriage. If I could say ONE thing it would be NOT to lose YOUR power. I did that . It is very hard NOT to lose your power when you have young children. Being in this position,in itself, is vulnerable. That is where the Catch 22 comes in to play. I had no one to help me. My mother said, "You made your bed you lie in it"(my mother- the therapist)
I just "ate myself alive with stress and blamed myself. I got stomach problems and depression and anxiety problems
What do you mean not to "lose my power"? My H is not going to do anything to jeopardize our marraige because then he wouldn't be living up to his "Godliness". In that way, I have plenty of power.
The flowers situation is TYPICAL of the abusive man. It could be flowers, smouers, towers . loowers. ANYTHING. They are waiting to pick a fight. This is the thing to remember. The 'Thing" is NOT the thing- if you follow.
IF I knew this one fact, I could have survived much better, They simply WANT to pick a fight.
My H used to expect/demand a thank you from evryone every time he did something good. It took me a long time and a few therapists along the way to help him understand what a gift was. Why did he give it, to get praise for himself or just because he wanted to. He really has come a long way in that area!
The other thing that I hope that you have is someone who 'will be a bigger dog than he is". I found this when my kids were 14 and 16- way too late .but still good.
If he knows that you have no one to protect you, it is much worse. IF you have no one to protect you, YOU have to be strong- somehow.
someone who 'will be a bigger dog than he is".
However, I want to get to the Christian part. More woman take abuse in the name of being a ''Christian". They should not- NOT, NOT,. I wish that someone could of helped me with this "guilt" that is put on Christian woman.Pastor henry Wright says that no one should take ANY abuse- verbal, emotional ETC[/quote]
OK....NO ONE understands verbal and emotional abuse. My H is so different around others. No one could comprehend his verbal and emotional abuse...even he doesnt' get it!
My main mistake that I made was thinking that my husband was "normal' and that he would respond and react "normally and also that he would act, in my best interest. He needs me to "keep a boot on his head" now and then. I did not know that.I keep a boot on his head,now. It IS sad, but it HAS to be this way with him or he will take advantage of me.
What do you mean by this:
"keep a boot on his head" I hope that I have helped in some way.
It is REALLY hard when you have small children. For me. mine are grown now. He knows that he would lose alot by divorcing me so now we have equal power. This is the 'only ' thing that makes him act decent to me. I think.
However, I stayed married. I don't know if it was a good or bad decision. Now, I am free to live a good life. We are not close,.but exist as nominal "friends"
I am free now to pursue things I love and to make a good life,now with friends,interests, my children ETC
keep Writing. Know this - You are worth something to God. God does NOT want you to abused. I am CONVINCED of this
I completely uinderstand this last part. I am free to have a good life(with some grief). My H would just die if he didn't have his boys with him and he definitely needs me to take care of them for him. the worst part is that I need to protect them and be there for them when their Dad gets out of line. My poor, dear son asked in chruch on sunday, why is dad so mean to us in church. And I know he is mean to him in church. He hates to be distracted and kids do that...HELLO! I am as free as you are. For the most part, my H is just a huge annoyance. I really want to strive for a closer relationship.
Now you have to decide if you want to stay with him. Or another thing to do is - Pray with your husband. Hold his hand and truly pray to God......don't say things to stick it to your husband..............as he is praying his pious prayers, you tune into God and let him be all pious and religious....................then when it is your turn to pray, start with the Lord's prayer....................as we forgive those who trespass against us.................oh, it sounds trite but right in the Bible when they ask how to pray he gives them the Lord's prayer...........also, ask for forgiveness and love and mercy and grace and thank God for his answers. I know how you feel, you want to say to your husband......."Oh, pleeaasseee, I am going to throw up.....will you cut it out?" But "vengence is HIS, not ours..." As long as we keep our motives pure and truly focus our thoughts on God, then I think you will be OK!!
I will stay with him. You may be right here, about praying. My H said that when I am in a women's bible study without him, I am probably completely open and different. He was right on. If I pray with him, he will use it later to stick it to me. Why can't I pray like that with him? I will pray for so-and-so, why can't I pray for him? He uses everything to point out how I neglect him. That is what I dread the most. Everything I say, he feels an entitlement to for himself. I don't dare talk to other men and seem too interested. I hear how he wishes I was that interested in him. Dah! I live with him and talk to him everyday.