--to my daughter
If you hated “Tennessee Waltz” so much, why did you not tell me to not play it on the piano?
Some songs I hate too. Were you afraid of me? I was afraid of you.
You had chores around the house from age 8-19, but you complained about them all. Did you not like the chores? >> Or that I asked you to do them? >> Or did you figure we could live in a slum?
I loved the time (because we weren’t hurt) when the screen burglar came to our house, and so calmly you said, “Mom. Please come out and call the police as someone is breaking into our house”. I bummed outta bed to the only phone, kitchen, and dialed 911, while you brought me my ‘chair—and I don’t know if you threw on some jeans with your T-shirt and panties, but I remember that I couldn’t remember my name and you told the policeman, then you couldn’t remember your name so I told the policeman. Then Irma and Elroy arrived the next day, to calm our hearts, while he fixed the screen and it was for Vicki’s Baseball tournament.
You seem to be concerned about my drinking. Maybe you have it out if context. I ALWAYS had a bottle in the fridge and poured a drink when I came home from work & was making dinner, at Queen St. Then the same at our house on Nelson Sq., but do you remember my telling you about my tinnitus? I had these awful noises in my right ear and went from one doctor to another and each one I told that a shot of rye, or two, or more (and Ken was always bringing booze, as did Gord when I did his books, etc.) would stop the noise. Not one doctor had an answer and after 10 bloody years of that noise, it finally stopped, all on its own and no one knew the beginning or the end.
Then I sold the house and lived at Kozlov for 2 years with no visitors to speak of , but you amd Gus twice, and finally was moved into a filthy cellar, on Dundas St. E. in Toronto. I couldn’t believe that this had been done to me, all for the sake of another down payment on the farm—I moved in, sight unseen and at your okay! I was appalled! No windows, no steps, yet I was able to get out, and then I was padlocked in. Was this a plan of Gus’ or of the both of you? My therapist wants to know if it was intentional to imprison me.
My therapist also wants to know if you were a part of dismissing me on May 11, 1991. DID YOU reject me that day too?
For my well being, I need to know what was in your mind for these psychological traumas. I need this for next Wednesday!