Author Topic: The sky might fall....  (Read 1434 times)


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The sky might fall....
« on: May 24, 2007, 11:47:22 PM »
it's been a long time since I wrote about this, but I had one of those insecurity moments today, the kind which mothers like mine prime us for the rest of our lives.... :x

I forgot to meet a friend last night then left my phone in the car so I missed her 8 calls asking where the heck I was.

Of course by the time I saw them it was too late to call and i was mortified that I let someone down.

So today when i tried to call her three times as soon as I spoke the line went dead. The 4 th time was no answer and I left a brief message.

My heart was in my mouth, I thought she must be so upset she won't speak to me....I was walking the dog and suddenly felt panic that something terrible had happened because I did something wrong.

This used to happen to me all the time but this is the first time in a while.

I pulled myself together, told myself she's a good kind friend who i can depend upon to be reasonable..... and even though I was pretty sure my friend wouldn't be mad- or stay mad- at me I didn't quite feel right until she called a few hours later when she accepted my apology immediately, laughed it off, and we arranged to meet again next week.

All my childhood was the sky about to fall in if I wasn't perfect. That's what growing up with alcoholic parents is like, they have no room to let you be and observe what is.

Anger was something to be wielded not just an expression of some emotion....the only emotion was anger, same in the man I went on to marry.
Sometimes I thought if he wasn't angry a lot I wouldn't know he had feelings at all.

The best thing was the panic didn't ruin my walk, and I was able to think about it all after ( in the third person- no! but quite clearly ) and see what happened and how i fell back into an old reaction momentarily.


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Re: The sky might fall....
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2007, 12:10:00 AM »


Is it possible that the emotions brought on by your friend who is dying both made you forget your appointment, which  then triggered the old behavior?   I'm glad you did your self talk and didn't get pulled down by it all. 




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Re: The sky might fall....
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2007, 04:15:38 AM »

I understand your feelings.  I used to be like this.  If I did something wrong I would think it was the end of the world.  I do think growing up in an alcoholic house where there was no resolution, no apology is part of the problem. I think this is tied up with ACOA thinking they are responsible for everything which is what happens to kids when their parents are out of control.  The parents are perfect and so it must be the kids fault.  I still struggle with overresponsibility and it lands me in the mud all the time.

When I feel that panic feeling like doom I have learned to pull back, get into adult mode, what was I responsible for, if I did something wrong what can i do about it and what is the worst thing that can happen............. it usually does not mean that the sky will fall down but it has taken me a long time to get there.

When I threw XN out a friend said to me "see the sky did NOT fall down" I thought I would die, not be able to manage but you know what I got a life.  Seems like those scared little kids are still inside of us.



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Re: The sky might fall....
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2007, 09:43:15 AM »

You said:

My heart was in my mouth ....... and suddenly felt panic that something terrible had happened because I did something wrong.

I used to wake up every morning with these feelings.  For me it is a combination of anxiety and PTSD.  I just realized that I haven't had those feelings as frequently.

You all give me such hope that it doesn't have to be this way for the rest of my life.

Thank you
- Life is a journey not a destination


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Re: The sky might fall....
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2007, 04:24:31 PM »
well I'm on a roll this week, maybe because I am seeing someone pass so quickly....

Lost it with son and ex today. Got really angry, told son he needs to be minding me, called ex who said 'I'm busy' which is when I lost it: yelled that he is a stupid selfish jerk, I will not be asking for his help in raising our son I'll do it myself he's f***ing useless etc

I never get that angry but it seems to have helped, ex came home, apologised said he'll rework his schedule.

Even then I said 'I'll believe it when I see it' and I referred to NPD and his inability to respond to anyone else's needs.

I said if you won't do it for our son you aren't going to do it for anyone.

Honestly, don't know what's getting into me- but I like it better than suffering in silence  :)

I shouldn't have cursed so much though.... :oops: :twisted: