At first, I didn't even think about it at all.
I leapt into the companion-caretaker role with cheer.
Then the unemployment nightmare began, and for several years, my mother still expected me to pay her for sleeping in my old room. I did, for about three years. My mother's demands for daily attention and service were exhausting. Now, I don't resent it. Because she can't help it. But until a year or two back, she was hale and hearty and driving her car and very independent...except every day when she clutched and manipulated and plucked and whined and complained and needled and badgered and --well, you get the idea.
Then a friend said, "You're an au pair who pays for the privilege!"
Finally, after the 4th job in this small city had evaporated (for one year, I even commuted to California half the month) and I realized that my career was gone and I would never be able to earn a full living as I had been in the big fears set in. She always pooh-poohed my worries, wouldn't listen to anything I tried to tell her about the out-of-control housing situation here, and then, seeing my fear and vulnerability...that's when the serious triangulating and manipulating and using the house like a carrot or stick began.
I think a lot of it was unconscious Nreflexive behavior and I am not angry any more. It's resolved, so although I inherit a mortgage too and will never really be out of debt, I have a chance at hanging onto it. Though I'll need to rent out room/s.
thanks for caring, Bella...