Here's another one I like because of the simple way it explains self esteem: Hops:
How have you managed to do as well as you have done?
What a nice thing to say/ask. Thankyou ((((Hops)))).
When I was a kid I had no psych terms or real understanding of what was happening but somehow, deep inside I felt like the way to survive was to not let my heart fill up with hate (seriously! that's what I thought and I think it helped). Being bull-headed I refused to let that happen so no matter how many times I was told I was useless or mistreated or whatever.....I just tried really hard to reject the words/actions and the pain was not as intense, maybe, as it might have been. Sometimes, I was not very successful, so I know I believed and felt unworthy, unlovable and lost faith in myself (which is really what self esteem is....isn't it?).
However, I first heard the words "self esteem" when I was around 12 or 13 and from then on, realized that I had a problem and so I read and learned and worked at improving it. So even all my rejecting and stubborness didn't really save me, I think my teacher did (pretty sure it was a teacher who talked about self esteem) and for that I am really grateful. I was lucky to have the drive to read, learn and do what I had to try to improve it.
Still, every time we experience trauma, abuse or even when we simply fail at whatever we are trying to achieve.....I think, at least for me, my self esteem suffers (is it like that for others?). I don't think it's something one can build up and it will just remain at that level (unless it is learned that way to begin with). I think it's something that has to be constantly re-enforced, frequently examined and often worked order to over ride the negative junk already learned. At least, that's what it's been like for me.
I do think I have a good level of self esteem but I also think I have to work hard to keep it that way (maybe people who have never been abused or suffered trauma don't have to work so hard at it? Maybe with loving, encouraging, nurturing parenting......people grow up with healthy self esteem to begin with and don't have to try so hard to love, encourage and nuture themselves?? I don't know. Sure seems that way for me).
How about you Hops? Does any of this ring true for you?