Hi everyone,
Thank you for the support. My son and DIL used to live about 450 miles away and she always was rude and downright mean to my husband and myself. The only time that we got to see our son and grandchildren were when we went to visit them. She on the other hand would make at least 2 trips up to Mom and Dad's house, they live about 20 miles from us, and always bring the children but we usually found out about this, after the fact. We went there last year to help them move to another town in the state they were living in and she had told us that she and the children were going to be coming up this way later in the month for a family event and I FINALLY said, in front of other people too, that I would appreciate it if while they were up this way, to get to see her and the children. Needless to say, it didn't happen. Over the course of the 6 years that they lived in the other state, I witnessed my son become more of a "jellyfish". He rarely called us and when he did it always had to be when his wife wasn't around. I have taken my inventory on this many times, has been seeing a professional person(who introduced me to the "Nar" word? and have some supportive friends(thank goodness)..Nothing happened, I honestly believe that she always wanted to move back up here to be close to her family, esp. her Mother and from the little information that I have, is probably an N also, so I guess she has everything that she "wants" and there is no need for us any longer. As for grandparent rights, I saw the Dr. Phil show too and that was in California, I believe. I have researched into this area and at least for now, there isn't really anything legally we can do. Yes, it still hurts but I am doing better..sometimes are tougher than others BUT I do believe that "Living well is the best revenge"..so onward and upward!!!
Thanks to everyone, I am so glad that I found out about this group!!