I am so sorry you are hurting. It sounds incredibly painful. But it also sounds like you are growing and learning so fast. I am so proud and happy for you (in a manner of speaking), even though you must be feeling pretty miserable right now. Growing pains are real and so are you!
If I had to guess, from my own personal experience with an Nmom and enabling/co-dependent father, I would agree with Hopalong's assessment when she said,"I'll bet my last paycheck that your poor Dad is so ineffectual that he was just being messenger man. I think your mother fed him that line." This happens constantly with my dad and N-ish stepmom (though she is not as bad as Nmom). I have watched my dad, sitting in a social situation, looking totally lifeless and lost, when my stepmom literally grabs him by the shoulders, moves his body into position, and feeds him a line to recite. And then he seems relieved, because now he know what he is supposed to do. The first time I noticed this, I felt like I got hit by a bolt of lightning. Now I see it all the time. I have not exactly forgiven him for being weak, abandoning my brother and me, etc., but I have let it go. When my mom threw him out, he left, because that is what she told him to do. it is what it is, and I doubt he will ever change. He will probably never excavate his real essential self. I can only focus on the tiny scraps of good in our relationship, like when we attempt to have a conversation out of the puppetmaster's earshot.
One question comes to mind. What is your sadness like? Is it like grieving for what you have lost/do not have? or is it the kind of sadness that comes from buried anger at how you are being treated? Or both, or something else? No need to answer these here if you do not want to. Just thoughts that may or may not be helpful.