Author Topic: Want to see Pirates 3... couldn't make it through Hostel  (Read 1892 times)


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Want to see Pirates 3... couldn't make it through Hostel
« on: June 06, 2007, 01:35:45 AM »
Is it just me or is anyone else coming out of their skin over medium loud noises and choking back ye old mouth full of vomit (like when that unfortunate egg breaks in Charlotte's Webb?) 



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Re: Want to see Pirates 3... couldn't make it through Hostel
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2007, 08:07:24 AM »
You mean the meanness disguised as humor in so much entertainment now? That scene in Shrek The First where the poor little songbird exploded was the kicker for me. I have been boycotting 'comedy' movies ever since.

Family entertainment, my alimentary canal. You want to know if a person is vicious? See what makes them laugh.
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Re: Want to see Pirates 3... couldn't make it through Hostel
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2007, 12:13:43 PM »
You mean the meanness disguised as humor in so much entertainment now? That scene in Shrek The First where the poor little songbird exploded was the kicker for me. I have been boycotting 'comedy' movies ever since.

Family entertainment, my alimentary canal. You want to know if a person is vicious? See what makes them laugh.

Popey,Tom and Jerry..... all those dead Walt Disney Mama's who've left daughters behind in compromised unfair positions.  ::shaking head::  It should grate like sandpaper. It does to me. 



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Re: Want to see Pirates 3... couldn't make it through Hostel
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2007, 08:03:49 PM »
I'm glad I"m not the only one sensitive to this issue.  I don't find torturing  humans or animals the least bit humorous.

Another instance, which I really don't like to even think about, let alone type about, cause I was trying to put it out of my mind...but if it helps someone here to feel like they are NORMAL in believing evil is NOT funny...

There is a website called Urban Legend.  There were consequtive photos with a "news story" of an 8 year old Iraquian boy, who was sentenced to have his arm run over by a truck for stealing bread.  Me, being nosy at times, decided to read the story.  It seemed so real, the photos were very convincing...but as you continue to read to the end of the page, they tell you that it was a hoax, a magic trick.  WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND USES A CHILD TO DO SUCH A THING???  SECONDLY, I WAS BAWLING MY HEAD OFF PICTURING THIS HAPPENING TO A CHILD AND THEN FOUND OUT IT WAS FAKE (which I was glad of, but also very angry over the entire thing!)  I would love to boycot Urban Legend in general I think!



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Amake it through Hostel
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2007, 09:17:06 PM »
I heard an ad for HOSTLE 2 today.  I'm very dissapointed in Terantino for making these films.   They're so obviously wrong.  I about came out of my skin listening to the woman on the radio cry out in agony when the drill began running. ACK!


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Re: Want to see Pirates 3... couldn't make it through Hostel
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2007, 10:13:19 AM »
maybe people are so numbed out from basic emotions that this kind of thrill is what makes them feel that they're alive? Still, there are many more good thoughtful films to watch. More comment on current torture films here:,,2093349,00.html

with reviews like this, i don't feel any need to see the films.

ReallyMe, how about this: it's one thing to think it's funny to concoct a joke using a child as actor, it's another thing to find actual torture of children funny or even thrilling? I think the first is sick and not my taste but the second is psychopathic.


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Re: Want to see Pirates 3... couldn't make it through Hostel
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2007, 12:36:15 PM »
I think people are desensitised to the global context of what they see/ hear/ watch.

This week I received racist email from a client, I have spoken to her about my values on this before; this time I wrote a considered reply and sent it to her whole email list.

It started a debate and maybe at least made one or two people think, also prompted an apology from the originator.


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Re: Want to see Pirates 3... couldn't make it through Hostel
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2007, 02:47:45 PM »
Bless you for that, Write...I'll bet it was beautifully written.

If it's could be a useful template for defusing racist remarks, I'd love to read an edited version if you'd like to pressure though.

Thanks for speaking up,

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Want to see Pirates 3... couldn't make it through Hostel
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2007, 05:33:04 PM »
sure, here are the pastes of things I said:

I love the fact that America is made up of so many nationalities, as G_d's kingdom was foretold.
I am an immigrant myself.
Jesus identified who we are to love with the parable of the merciful, non-prejudiced Good Samaritan and said 'Go, and do thou likewise'.
There is enough for everyone of G_d's love, grace and bounty, we can trust in that and share it freely.

Is there some specific objection that you have against people from Mexico?
The laws on immigration are as far as I know clear and a matter for law enforcement; all societies have to decide how to approach the inevitable movement of peoples around their borders, in fact Americans were banned from emigrating to Texas in the 1830s to retain Mexican identity!
Most immigrants undertake a considerable administrative process to live in this country in exchange for our skills and labour, the process took me three years.
I arrived live here with great pride to live in a country which upholds freedom and equality and I am happy to share values with America and Americans, your country was founded on 'We the people' and many nationialities have come together in many ways to form "one nation under God".

The photo which was circulated comes from a High School district in
California where the young student responsible for changing the flags during
a walkout protest was subsequently disciplined as per education code

Students will always protest important issues in a free country, and I
believe they should be encouraged to think and stand up for what they
believe in and peaceful protest.

We all complain often about the apathy of young people.

In criminal studies immigrant populations are usually under-represented in
the statistics; illegal immigrants may break the law just by working, they
would typically be underpaid in exchange for their precarious position

But they provide cheap unregulated labour for unscrupulous businesses to
profit from, so it will continue.

Hispanic people according to the US Justice Bureau are more likely to be
victims of crime than non-hispanics anyway, but illegal status gives people
a particular vulnerability to exploitation not just here but world-wide.

The US does have an economic need for migrant workers at all levels, but I
agree it should be managed by government and laws.

As for laws applying- I think it's part of being a civilised country to
protect everyone, even those who will subsequently be deported.

My final comment, for this has been an interesting discussion and I am sorry I have missed your point but it certainly made me look at facts and issues around immigration to the US.
The facts are there are an INS estimated 7 million people illegally here in the States, 70 % of them thought to be Mexican, presumably because they have the borders.
That is- 2.5 % of the total US population does not have current residency status, those who arrived illegally or people who were legal and had papers expire and are awaiting process.
Your articles below are amusing, personally I don't mind if someone breaks in and does all the chores I ought to have been doing this afternoon, and our planet I do believe is for all to share.
People often emigrate to escape poverty, disease, natural disaster and war and all immigrants have the common purpose of wanting to create a better life for themelves and their families.
If I have to accomodate that I don't mind; we are all children of G_d and equal in G_d's sight, nothing we have is ours by right, but by the grace of G_d.
Without immigration there would be no great United States, I will put your current requirements to become a citizen below.
Peace and blessings to all,
US Citizenship Eligibility Requirements:
A period of continuous residence and physical presence in the United States
The ability to read, write and speak English
Good moral character
Knowledge of the principles of the U.S. Constitution
Favorable disposition towards the United States
Pass the United States Citizenship Test

I have no enemy if I am with G_d!
Jesus said he came not to challenge the law but to enhance it.
In the Old Testament people did indeed fear for their lands, their
wellbeing, their rights.

Jesus taught us to fear nothing here, that we have all we need.
And it is true, I have given all I have time and again and watched it return
and my foothold made secure.

Trusting G_d we do not need to fear or despise others.
Mexicans are just a latest scapegoat for social problems which Jesus said we
would always have.
I am British- my nation took much from around the world historically; yours
has taken the land here from the native peoples.

If there is injustice G_d sets the balances straight.

We take and we give, in our human ways, history flows on and on and as we
look back through the bible we can see- what was important is dust now;
important just for a time.

I am sorry you had a difficult time; life is so hard sometimes.
I too have been close to death once and know the precious fragile nature of
life now, I will not live my life fearfully or lacking in love because soon
it will be over however long I live. We are a speck in  eternity here, our
lives are tiny fragments. We cannot avoid suffering or human strife whatever
we do, we are told that, but Jesus died to show us that self-sacrifice and
love are the answers to our fears, that we need fear it no more.

Jesus said ' What profit is there for one to gain the whole world yet lose
or forfeit himself? '
That is why I am indeed being careful, for the things of this world grow dim
in the light of G_d, and Jesus says the most important of his instructions
are to love G_d, love others. I cannot be a Christian in good conscience
unless I let go everything else and trust in those instructions. It is my
eternal soul which concerns me not what happens here, but how I respond. Do
I serve G_d and follow Jesus' teachings in my life, which is how I have been

Yours in Christian love,
thank you so much for taking time to write to me
and have a beautiful day,
every day is a blessing

The religious references were because of the tone of the original email, which I have deleted but basically said the US was given to Americans by G_d...and anyone who comes here illegally is our enemy and we should 'fight back' or some other nonsense.

Half the time people don't even believe what they are allowing to creep into their values!



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Re: Want to see Pirates 3... couldn't make it through Hostel
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2007, 11:33:06 PM »
Portia, blech on those movie reviews.  I can't even consider watching that stuff since I had children. Funny how things change, though I don't remember movies of such terrible violence presenting themselves for my viewing pleasure.

Write:  You wrote a beautiful note to your friend.  Thoughtful.  Articulate. 

Good job.   


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Re: Want to see Pirates 3... couldn't make it through Hostel
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2007, 12:06:21 AM »
Thank you, Write, I was very pleased to read it. I'm sure glad you emigrated!

It's a gift to the recipient; I hope they value your sincerity and your effort.


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."