Hello everyone,
Thanks for all the hugs& acts of kindness that all of you have sent. It means a lot to be able to know that someone can actually understand what I am experiencing. I have tried talking to my friends, but
they just can't understand why I am having such a hard time??

I guess I understand their questions& confusion concerning the situation. I say to everyone that doesn't understand,"you have to have walked beside him to understand."
Any way, I'm doing it, I am getting along with life. Life, such as it is. It has be 10 days of NC. To a lot of you 10 days may seem small, but for me, it has been years. I miss him terribly! The weekends are the pits! I have way to much time on my hands. I am exercising a lot, cleaning my house, visting my mother, and just trying to relax. I still am not focusing. Not able to read a book, or follow a lot of directions. My thoughts about certain things are off beat with others. I feel sort of like I have been brain washed. That may be a little strong, but at the least, I have heard certain things said so long one way, that when I hear others talk about it, I am a little confused if what they are saying is right or wrong?
I am sleeping better, but I still haven't slept a complete 8 hrs in a long long time. I wake up in a panic, and the very first thought that comes to mind is that he is gone. I cry a lot, and I still have a lot of unanswered questions. I know, I probably will never get answers. I still wonder why....
I have not gotten to the angry stage as of yet. I am still stumbling in the dark.
I see my therapist weekly. He knew right off what I had been dealing with. He says what everyone says, "No Contact" is the only way to get on with my life. I am to never have any contact with him again. He says he may come back, and others say the same.
Honestly, my thoughts are with him. I'm sorry but I have to be honest. I am really trying to focus on other things, but at this moment my mind is on him., I take each minute, second,and hour one step at a time.
After all it is what it is....I've been dumped by something better according to my boyfriend of 3 1/2