There was a point when I stopped writing about my mom on my blog. I don't know when it was. Right after my failed attempt to leave the last time, I think. I was just looking through posts, trying to find something. I also stopped updating so often, and just ranted to my friend about her.
It's so tough to live with that woman. I evidently didn't write about having to call 911 because she was going to kill herself. At some point I became afraid that my brother or someone would find my blog, so I stopped writing about my family, and stuck to more generic topics.
I'm very saddened that my son seems to have issues dealing with his anger. I'm debating whether or not this is do to stress leftover from school, which damaged his fragile self-esteem, or if this is normal childhood stuff. I don't know what is normal for kids. He gets frustrated and then he screams, he yells, he has a temper tantrum. In short he acts like a five year old, not a ten year old. Anytime I have to tell him "no" he does this, and everytime I try to handle the situation there's a voice saying, am I doing him harm by doing this? Am I abusing him like my mom did to me? I don't hit him. I try not to manipulate him, but there's a voice telling me I am a horrible parent. We just had a little spell, and he did eventually calm himself down, after I got him to talk a little. I hope he's going to get better, and I hope this is just a phase he's going to outgrow. Because I don't want to play the emotional blackmail game with my child.