This is dead on and so very pathetic: my NPD set me up to respond to a beautiful prose piece called the Invitation,
when i responded with some honesty & feeling i was taken to task in a scorching email;
This is when i began searching for more information about this type behavior & found & contacted Joanna Ashmun, who has the invaluable web site: said this about this contrary type of behavior:
Narcissists dislike and avoid intimacy. They don't like anything that arouses their emotions. They don't want to know you, and they don't want to be known. They will ignore or snub close family or friends in order to ask a personal favor from a casual acquaintance -- this is to avoid intimacy.
She continues:
I wasn't familiar with this work, but I found it on the web : can see why it would be very seductive from someone you wanted to be closer to, to be reconciled with. Here's an exercise: try reading it from the point of view of someone who's both predatory and dependent, someone who wants to take advantage of your feelings, your vulnerabilities, and your virtues, softening you up to do something for the narcissist.
The narcissist never intends to reciprocate in kind, actually intends not to reciprocate at all -- i.e., feels entitled to whatever he wants whenever he wants it. Narcissists perceive other people's expectation of a feeling response as an outrageous demand = they can't do it, so you are cruel or crazy to want it from them. Their feelings are undeveloped. (In fact, when you do get a feeling response from a narcissist, you will be dismayed by their immaturity and dependence, because their emotional development stalled somewhere around the age six or seven.)
So, i have put distance in this relationship and email content is limited to subjects that have nothing to do with feelings;
this has shutdown most of the controlling behavior. Remember, you are dealing with an adult mind trapped in an stunted emotional state;