Hiya Sela
Job done, thank you! I appreciate your thinking time there. I felt uncomfortable, as though we were talking at cross purposes. Sometimes I want to feel understood by someone else, for my sake (to see if I'm making sense to the external world). Sometimes I want to feel that someone else understands me, because I perceive it may help them, from my own warped perspective. Sometimes i think that someone else might be deliberately mis-hearing me (as it were) to challenge my thinking, or to allow me to defend my view (and demonstrate assertiveness). All in the human mix and not unusual but worth saying those things? Well there it is anyway.
I was going to get somewhat assertive earlier, and I tried in my own way, and I'm letting it go. It doesn't matter to me. This is the question: when do we observe another person and file away observations for future use (entirely for our own benefit), and when do we decide that an observation could be aired for the possible benefit of the observed person? In real life, that's a lot simpler. In cyberspace i can't see your eyes! It's very limited (here), but in some ways hugely beneficial too, because we allow ourselves (
all of us, I imagine) so much liberation. The online persona is a vivid slice of the whole, real person, almost a caricature perhaps? How's that for off the point!
Thanks Sela:
it's your opinion that mattersYes and I started this thread because I was busily questioning my gut reaction to a few books. And I guess there's that idea (thanks Ami) of separating the N effects from the normal life effects. If I reject some idea very quickly (and I do that a lot), sometimes I might go and question that gut reaction (was it a received idea or was it really my own?). I guess I'm just figuring out what my 'own' ideas actually are. It's still hard work sometimes! Wondering if there's that old tape saying "Of course that book/course/degree/painting/idea is rubbish - what money will it make you?" - to put it in its bluntest terms. Stepdad was such a hard critic of anything that scared him (I scared him). On the other hand, I'm not frightened of new stuff, I just know a lot of stuff is not to my taste and I know it fast sometimes.
I agree that it's better to be alone and aware, even if it's unhealthy and I bet we agree on that. Yes, there's a difference in perception here I think. I would choose alone. I might even prefer alone in many situations. I am not lonely; I'm not sure I've felt lonely. I remember passing my driving test and wishing i had someone to share the joy with (the freedom of driving meant so much to me), but it wasn't a big deal. When I was a kid was I lonely? I don't think so. Unloved and stuff yes, but lonely, craving company? i can't remember that (the phrase "craving company" describes a state of mind that I have to
imagine). I think there are possibly many people who would agree with me here but they don't say so because there's no need.
Aware is healthy. How healthy can one get though?

Thanks for coming back Sela. I understand that we mean pretty much the same thing (and I hope you do).