Hugs to you too Tayana!!!!
And I HAVE to tell you how similar my mother is . . . she gives me absolute junk presents, stuff she doesn't want, and I'm supposed to be thrilled by this stuff, and it completely offends her if I don't want to put it up on the wall or display it in the house or wear it.
My mother has also watched my son and daughter on occasion, but that tapered off a lot in the past few years because she started using it as control. For example, if my husband and I tried to go out to a movie, my Dad would call halfway through and tell us to come back right away, because Mom was already tired of looking after the kids. And you can only take my word for it, but they are incredibly sweet and obedient children.
And you won't believe this: my Nmom actually told me once when she offered to babysit the kids that she was only babysitting so I could get some work done or clean up my house, but she did not want me to have sex with my husband. She was actually trying to control my sex life!