I had to write on this thread b/c as I have shifts in my thinking, my whole, body is changing. I faced a really big truth about my N mother and N ish H last week, I am noticing that my eyes are getting much better. Also, before ,I could only eat a handful of food at a time. Sunday, we went out for lunch and I ate the whole lunch. I was so surprised.
I can really see how diseases are caused by stored up pain. I tried so hard (with diet and exercise) to get rid of my stomach problems. I could not. When my thinking changed, my whole body shifted. It is truly amazing.
I think that I kept my sickness to keep my "reality "intact. I did not want to face the truths about my N mother. If I stayed sick, then she was still with me( somehow). If I was afraid , she was somehow still with me.
I don't understand it all,but there was an umbrella of behaviors which kept me "connected to my M.. When I was sick or afraid, I felt like she was there,like I was keeping her alive,somehow .I ,also, thought that if I kept her " alive ",that someday she would come and make it all right.
I know that someone must have these ideas. I know that they are not "real" ,but in my mind they were a kind of comfort and hope. I really do not have a hold on what I am trying to say,but I know that it is a birth of a big healing Love Ami