I feel free AMi, CB,Bean. I feel free not because I am divorced but because I am thinking with my own model of the world, I don't see anything through ex's eyes any more, especially not my self image.
I can't believe I listened to him for all those years and thought he was superior.
He just sounds like a boor a lot of the time now...
do you think you could avoid riding in cars that he drives? I worry about his "acting out" while driving. Sometimes people get into "accidents" that aren't unforeseeable
yes I will avoid this OCnfounded, but frankly i think he was in control, just frightening me deliberately.
It's sinister really.
I can expect some of this from time to time.
Last night he told me I had to take son for a few weeks.
I was delighted to but did not show it, so guess what, he wants him back tonight.
So long as son feels wanted by us and is well and happy I frankly don't care any more about power or being right or anything else.
Ex is always going to do these things to some extent, he always has.
I can live with it at a distance.
He's very like my father lately, I am surprised how so many men approaching middle age go this way: whining and bitter.
His negativity is draining so I will try not to spend too much time with him.
I am starting to tune him out more and more though, soon I will be able to increase my work so I can be totally financially independent if necessary.
I do not trust that he will follow the letter of our financial settlement.
Walked on the beach after a great lunch today with my friend who had brain surgery on May 1.
She is recovering well, we had a beautiful day.
I am so lucky to have so many good people in my life.
The guy at church and I are getting closer, i think he will ask me out soon and I will say yes.
I am much happier to date now, and it's strange someone said i would, but I am meeting really nice guys now I am not too bothered about being on my own forever if necessary!
I think when I am happy and relaxed people like beign with me more; I've always had relarionships but not so calm and relaxed as they seem to be now.
A lot of the drama and anxiety has gone out of my life this year.
Love to everyone, hope all are okay, I don't have time to check many threads