I'm sure you can tackle this one...you've tackled so much else already!
For what it's worth, I am an out-and-out organiser, list-maker, etc.,so my two-penn'orth goes like this:
Try making a list of just THREE things that you are going to do TOMORROW - write them out the night before, just before going to bed, in as much detail as you can face. For instance, don't just put 'sort out bills' - that's too big a task, too general, so therefore too daunting to tackle in the morning. Instead, try putting 'pay the electricity bill by cheque, pay the water bill by online payment, write to the Health Insurance company to increase the premiums'. Leave it at three items. Then go to bed. Your brain is 'happy' that it knows what it's doing in the morning, so you can sleep (pot calling the kettle black, here - my insomnia is legendary!).
In the morning, do the three things, crossing them out on your list with a BIG BLACK PEN as you do each one. Have a chocolate as you finish each one, too! Then stop, and do something nice as a treat. Don't think 'well, I did just three, but really I should have done all of those bills, I'm still bad, really'. You're not, it just needs tackling in chunks.
Another thing I try to do is only handle incoming post once - the waste paper bin is invaluable, here! A multi-level 'In Tray' helps to sort stuff into bills, letters to be answered and things to be filed (if they REALLY have to be kept).
If I could come round your house and help you with it, I would! I suspect, though, that it's a bit of a trek?! How many miles from Staffordshire to where you live?