Author Topic: Narcissistic Info (cont) THey CONTROL you in CONVO  (Read 1085 times)


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Narcissistic Info (cont) THey CONTROL you in CONVO
« on: June 24, 2007, 12:19:47 AM »
They control you by having temper tantrums.  THey know you won't stoop to arguing with a SPOILED BRAT, so they feel they've WON.

They cannot "take what they dish out" so they slink off to find easier prey than the one who will try to retaliate.

It's a catch-22 situation, living with a narcissist.  Either you allow them to be brats and get away with the lies, or you fight with them almost constantly!

They see communication as a "parasitical" thing.  They make sure it remains one-sided and never gives a straight answer.  If you try to press them, they will double their efforts to block you.  They will be frantic.

The Narcissist gets to ASK all the questions, but really doesn't ANSWER any.  They will LIE if you confront them, and will twist things off topic.

Narcissists feel like you are always trying to catch them in a lie.


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Re: Narcissistic Info (cont) THey CONTROL you in CONVO
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2007, 10:25:56 AM »
This one is so classically my mother.  She never listens to anything anyone says to her.  She makes grandiose assumptions about everything whether or not they're true.  And no matter how much you try to tell her she's misunderstood, she doesn't believe you.  There's no real communication possible.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot
-Elanor Roosevelt


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Re: Narcissistic Info (cont) THey CONTROL you in CONVO
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2007, 09:05:15 AM »
Again Laura, Thank you for this.  I find all this information so helpful it keeps me focused on the reality of life with XN

In the end, Laura, we could not have a conversation.  He would issue a statement which was not meant to be discussed in any way unless it was to agree.  Did think a number of times that for such an "intelligent" man he was extremely boring company.
