Author Topic: Dealing with mentally ill NPD parent  (Read 3063 times)

Gaining Strength

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Dealing with mentally ill NPD parent
« on: June 25, 2007, 07:58:06 PM »
Since May 13th I've been dealing with my father's hospitalization.  Initially he was forced to be admitted because of medical reasons that he refused to have treated.  After the life threatening medical issues were treated he was transferred to the Psychiatric unit where he has been since late May.  He may be released at the end of this week. 

My brothers and I met with the doctor this evening and heard a report made by one of the psychiatrists or psychologists.  He is diagnosed as OCD with hoarding, early and mild vascular dementia, Personality Disorder (followed by 3 letters that th Dr. said meant undetermined but which he thought probably was NPD) and he has bouts of mania which may be uni or bi polar.  The psychiatrist said that he is one of the most difficult patients of his career and one of the most complex.  Part of the complexity is that he presents well so that many people would think of him as merely eccentric rather than mentally ill.  But significantly he is very deceptive, manipulative, controlling and not able to execute reasonable judgement.

It is difficult to explain even here how strange it is to have this all unlocked and unravelled after all of these years of struggling against a father who has long harbored these problems but who "presented well."  I am glad to have all of this finally brought to light.  It explains so much and gives me relief.   Because of my father's status in the community both socially and in the business community and because of his wealth he has gotten away with much of his unreasonableness until very recently.  My brothers and I have paid an enormous price.  We had to petition the court to keep him in the hospital to be treated.  He has been working hard to convince people that we are after his money though what we are after is providing for his health.  He has buddied up with a woman who is his accountants wife and who has a foundation.  She has hired attorney's to try to have him released from the hospital and has tried to take control of where he will live and a number of other issues. 

It has been very draining and very painful.  I am thankful that my brothers and i are united on what we would like for my father's care.  It is the first time we have been united in many years if ever.  I am thankful for that.  We are also going to work together to get my mothers estate in order.  She is in declining health.  In fact she has been in the hospital for 3 weeks in late May and early June after breaking her hip and she is declining. 

All in all it has been a trying time.  But I have found a way to keep my focus on growing stronger rather than give way.  I have come to see that all my life I have had an undergirding of anxiety that has eaten away at me until I finally completely couldn't move anymore.  For the past year I have been climbing out but now I realized that much of what I identified as shame and related issues was anxiety provoking.  I have lived with such extraordinary anxiety that I was completely blind to it.  and now I am able to give it a name and to know that I can move beyond it.

Dealing with mentally ill parent who presents is one of the most debasing experiences.  No one else cares or empathizes or could really even begin to imagine how it seeps into every pour, every orifice, every follical with septic poison, eating away at your mind, your heart and your soul.  It destroys tissue that life depends on.  And no one cares. 

But it will no longer destroy me.  It makes me sad but it will no longer destroy me.  I have a long, long way to go to dig my way out but I have already come a long, long way and I will make it.  I am determined to.

For so much of my life I could not understand what in God's name was wrong with me.  Now I know.  It is devastating to grow up under a mentally ill Narcissistic dictator who would rather destroy you than help you.  And that person is my father.  He did not seek to physically destroy me but he did intend to destroy my soul.  I see now that I was given enough strength to withstand his onslaught.  I have a long way to go.  But I will do more than survive.  I will flourish.  Just that I survived is nothing short of a miracle to me.  For the first time I really do understand how fortunate I am to be as strong as I am.

I just wanted to share this with someone, with anyone.  I am sorry that I don't have friends of family to share this with but I am glad I have those of you here.  Thanks - GS


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Re: Dealing with mentally ill NPD parent
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2007, 08:10:38 PM »
Oh, GS, I'm glad you posted!

How hard it has been for you these last months--and how affirming in a way, to realize that there's a name for what you have gone through with your father all these years.  I can imagine that in the middle of all the turmoil, it has had to be some relief to have experts looking after him and seeing (and naming) what you have seen for so long. 

Yes, you are going to heal from this.  I heard so much strength in your post.  This is going to be quite a hard marathon, but I see how much you have grown through the experience so far.  I'm so glad that you have had the support of your brothers in the midst of this.

Keep us posted on what is going on!


When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010


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Re: Dealing with mentally ill NPD parent
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2007, 09:17:52 PM »
It's good to hear from you again, GS.  And very good to hear that you have a diagnosis and validation from the doctor who says your father is the most difficult patient he has ever encountered in his career.  You really are a very strong woman and more than a survivor.  There is a great deal to hope for once this is over with.

All my best to you.

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Re: Dealing with mentally ill NPD parent
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2007, 09:20:42 PM »
Dear GS,
   I can so relate to your wanting someone to "see' the truth about your N parent. Part of my getting so sick was that no one would validate my reality.
   I. desperately want people to validate that my N mother is as horrible as I now see that she is. No one has ever done it. It must be a huge relief to you. I am very happy for you about this  Love  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
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Re: Dealing with mentally ill NPD parent
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2007, 09:56:01 PM »
G S!  We have been wondering where you have been-so happy to hear from you!  I knew it was only a matter of time before you were validated.  Also you can reprogram That shame thing because you are a wonderful person and it is your dad that needs to feel ashamed!  SHAME ON YOU DAD!  Maybe there is some kind of a light at the end of your tunnel.  It is so good to hear your voice!

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Re: Dealing with mentally ill NPD parent
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2007, 09:57:16 PM »
Gaining Strength,

   I'm so glad that you posted, and - as you said - that you see you are fortunate to be as strong as you are.

((( ))) -

cats paw


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Re: Dealing with mentally ill NPD parent
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2007, 10:36:09 PM »
GS, oh boy.
What extraordinary developments...both of your parents defanged.
I am so GLAD you've had it named named named!!

I hope that amazing diagnosis of all his comorbid mental illnesses is the most healing thing imaginble.

I can feel your strength in this post. It doesn't sound like whistling in the wind.
It sounds as though it's just coming up from the ground all the way through you,
throwing into perspective all those doubts and fears.

I am so glad for you.
I have total faith you'll walk the rest of the way.

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Re: Dealing with mentally ill NPD parent
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2007, 10:37:10 PM »


Missed you.  Glad for the update.  Yeeessss!  You're going to flourish. 

For the first time I really do understand how fortunate I am to be as strong as I am.

Oh what a relief to know that even in the darkest times, there was light at the end of the tunnel!


Gaining Strength

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Re: Dealing with mentally ill NPD parent
« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2007, 01:12:36 AM »
Thanks to each of you for your kind thoughtful replies.  Ami, I have long known how very, very powerful that validation is.  It is for me the thing that I have needed most.  I see the need and longing for validation in many of our posts.  The lack of validation kept me stuck for many, many, many years.  I wanted to hear someone else say that he had been a real problem in my life - someone other than myself and my therapist.  My brother's and my experience were different and so we have never until now had a united voice concerning our father.  Even when I suggested to my oldest brother and his wife a couple of years ago that our father was NPD, we laughed out of sheer astonishment at reading descriptions of our father that were so bizarre that noone had ever acknowledged before - of course descriptions of Ns do sound difficult to believe - they sound in sane!  But I never heard my brother or sister-in-law actually accept the label NPD.  But tonight my brother called me and asked if it had felt good when the Dr. said to me that the Personality Disorder was probably Narcissistic as I had suggested.  He noticed that the Dr. affirmed what I had named and he knew that it would be helpful and it was. 

I have spent so much time over the past years reading and learning about mental illness and the brain and the mind and today I feel as though I have passed my finals after years of study, I feel as though I have finally earned my degree, in a sense. My self directed study was right on and I found and directed myself with little guidance. 

For brief moments I feel as though I have lost way too much to even try to start over again but only for very brief moments.  Now I am certain that I can start yet another time and that at long, long last I will get it right this time.  When for just a moment I start to feel sorry for all that I lost across these years I understand for the first time what a loss it is to feel sorry for myself and I will not let myself slide down that sorrow again.  I will find a way to stand on the pile of refuse of my life to date and it will become a tall, solid foundation for something worthwhile. 

I'm writing this because it helps me say it out loud but also because I have simply walked through the doors to my longed for freedom and I don't want to walk alone.  There are enough of you who have had doubts about getting through this to another, truly another life and I am saying that we can get to that other life that is good and is joyful and is not a burden the way life under or beside or damage by an N can be.

It is not ever too late.  To get to that one, single, solitary day when the psychological choke hold of the N is released and true life is experienced.  It is simply never too late.

I am astonished at the power of N's to maim and kill and destroy the hearts and souls of human whom they supposedly love.  They are silent killers and they almost always get away with their crime.  Think about that - they don't destroy people the don't "care" about, they destroy the people closest to them and their victims are victims twice because society seems to simply look the other way.

"your (father, mother, husband, wife) wouldn't do that.  They love you."  But the only people who the N can destroy are the ones who love the N - that is an irony beyond comprehension to me, an irony that still fuels the fans of rage in my soul, rage over the injustice of it all, over the injustice of mental illness to destroy families, over the injustice of a person who can kill their own child, or their own spouse and over the insanity of people destroying those close to them.  That injustice enrages me.  I don't intend to get over that particular rage.


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Re: Dealing with mentally ill NPD parent
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2007, 07:44:53 AM »
Dear GS,
   I think that you have 'graduated" from  being a victim .. I hear strength and dignity.For me, the one thing that quiets me when I realize that I have "lost" much of my life to my N mother( and the crazy thinking that she instilled in me) is that I found God through it all. This is worth it to me a million times over.
   If I could go back and chose a wonderful mother(like my aunt),who has wisdom, love and,kindness  and not find God, I would chose my mother all over again.
   This one fact helps me . I could not face all this pain w/o knowing that something good came from it.
  The pain of facing how they are is too big for words.I wonder if other people with other problems understand the depth of our  raw pain. Maybe, it is a special type of pain.  It seems as though the pain of an N parent is more life and gut destroying than other pains.It decimates the whole of your being. It eats you up like a cancer until you are only "dust"
   I went to AA for 8 years. I was not an alcoholic,but it was so filled with love and intimacy and I was desperate. I never felt like AA was a fit for me(not about drinking or not drinking). They did not seem to be 'hurt" with the depth of pain that I,with an N mother did( for the most part). They would even say how bad my mother sounded,
   I felt at home there,but when I found the board,I was truly with"soul" sisters and brothers.
    Anyway, I would be interested in people's opinions of the pain of an N parent vs. other life pains,i                    Love  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Dealing with mentally ill NPD parent
« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2007, 10:15:22 AM »
My mother robbed me of my self esteem.  She betrayed me -real betrayal-several times.  She called me ugly.  She made me feel shame and guilt.  Now the biggest thing she had done is make me want to throw up.  The sound of her voice makes me sick.  Her logic eludes me.  I am done living in her shadow. 

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: Dealing with mentally ill NPD parent
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2007, 10:40:37 AM »
We will pray for you. You will be fine. Everything will be fine.
God is with you.
Love to you.