Sorry guys this was a forever entry but I had to come on line and speak what I know.
One. Find out what personal responsibility is, and accept it.
Actually, you didn't have to come on line, and you didn't have to write what you wrote. You chose your behaviour, and you chose your words. I assume nobody is holding you to ransom, telling you to write that stuff.
So, you bear the full responsibility for your words, as each of us does, and you take the consequences.
Two. Abusers will rarely, if ever, admit what they have done, and will generally try to project it away.
I only know, that if anyone who really knows me, and who I have talked about on here, were to find out what I have written, they will not be exactly pleased, and might well respond with anger, frustration, disbelief, and project all kinds of crap onto me that they cannot accept about themselves. That is the nature of abuse, escaping abuse and outing abusers. They do not like it, and cannot ever be expected to.
But we each of us still have the right to talk of our own truth, and the effects of such abusive behaviour on us and our loved ones, regardless of the denial that may still exist in our families, friends etc.
Three. Actions have consequences.
Part of the consequences of your post are that I for one am not interested in reading anything similar from you.
If you have anything meaningful to say about your own pain, and your own condition, then I am ready to listen. Otherwise, have a good Christmas, and nice meeting you, and goodbye.