Author Topic: strattera/treatment drugs  (Read 1692 times)


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strattera/treatment drugs
« on: July 02, 2007, 12:34:12 PM »
dear all,

new to the board here.  Friend probably has NPD but will soon be treated for ADHD with Straterra, I believe an anti-depressant.  Any idea how this type of drug will affect NPD? Is it advisable for someone with NPD to take this drug?  Will it have any affect on NPD behaviors?

Thanks in advance.


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Re: strattera/treatment drugs
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2007, 01:46:57 PM »
There's not much information out there on the effect of psychiatric drugs on NPD.  N's tend to not seek treatment, so not much work has been done in this area.    There's a couple of comments which may be helpful in this article:

They suggest SSRI's (e.g. Prozac) can increase N-ish propensities.  Strattera doesn't fall into this category. 

Maybe if ADHD is alleviated they would be able to pay more attention to others, and appear less N-ish?  Looks like your friend will be sort of a test case.