Hi Peace,
I HATE bullying! I have & will jump in, as long as I feel it's not extremely dangerous to the victim or myself. Then I will find an alternate route.
I was bullied horribly as a child until about 8th grade. After that, I FOUGHT BACK!
I blame my NMother for this & I'll tell you WHY. (my torment started about 5th grade)
She sent me to school in the worst clothes & shoes. I was NEVER "in style". Plus, she thought taking a bath everyday was wasting water, so I probally stunk! I can still hear the cries of "BO (body oder), BO!!" I had oily skin anyway & developed, in the words of my tormentors, "Pizza Face".
Oh, I hated school! The teachers were no better! They fawned over the popular girls & boys. If I wasn't being bullied, I was being ignored.
Here's something I'm ashamed of to this day. A new girl came to school & she looked like me, but she smelled even worse. Her parents raised Yorkies & the raised them all over the house. They did not clean the house, so she reeked of DOG. Anyway, I'll never forget how I turned on her & made her cry. I guess I wanted her to be & feel lower on the social rung than me. I made her cry & call her mom. By the way, her parents were NICE people.
I thought about this for about a day & was horribly ashmed of myself!

So, the next day at school I marched over to her & begged forgiveness! I couldn't BELIEVE how mean I had been. Thankfully she forgave me & we became best friends until we both married & moved away from town. She's the GRETA I talk about in my sleepwalking story.
I tell you that school was a nightmare! When I had kids of my own, I ALWAYS made sure they had nice things to wear & that they could get their hair done. My oldest daughter was VERY popular, but my youngest daughter was not! But, my husband & I went down to the school many times to defend her! And, her sister, (the popular one) fought for her all the time). She developed acne & body oder, too. Not because we wouldn't let her take a bath, but because she needed prescription deodorant. WE took her to the doctor for both! You bet we did! My husband became their stepfather when these girls were young & I will love him forever for fighting for them. To this day, both my girls talk about how he always made sure they had nice things so they could fit in. What a guy!
Anyway peace, I was terribly hurt by this.
Wanna hear something funny?
After I became a DJ, we had an event at the river on the radio station's party barge.
Well guess who walks up? 2 of my worst male bullies! They realize it's me & they BOTH ask me out! I had grown into my own by then. Well, I sent them packing in short order! They both said "Hey, we realize we were "KINDA" mean to you in school". KINDA. my ASS!
That felt so good!
So, yes, I will try to help whoever is being bullied.
Love you guys!