Sure, Dandy, imo, that makes good sense.
And that way she won't feel you're not caring about his effect on her.
I don't recall your D's age...
I'll offer a conundrum right D has gradually gotten a lot more independent financially. I understand that it truly is very hard for people in their 20s with huge student debt, P/T jobs (she has two and also housesits) and no health insurance. I have bailed her out with health care, and that's not a problem.
It's her dang car. She bought a gorgeous old car with my mother, ignoring my advice to go for a more economical version, and of course, it's one of THE most expensive to repair. So just now she sends me a friendly email, but tags on that she's asking my help to replace the brakes. Then suggests how dangerous it feels to be driving it. She did say not to feel obligated--she'll deal.
It's tough. It actually may be a quite reasonable occasional request for occasional help. If I look at it objectively, that's what it is. But it pushes a lot of buttons from past times when I've felt only used by her, some dark days I hope we're putting behind us, gradually.
And, I'm beyond broke. Debts of my own. I just wrote her back the truth, that I didn't know, I was in debt myself as is my mother and going through my own fiscal crisis. She'd said shed like to deal with it before she leaves, but I suggested several alternatives, including emailing a local friend of mine who's expert on the best and cheapest mechanics, telling her to buy the parts herself and find a mechanic who'd do the labor, etc.
Bottom line, I didn't say yes. I guess looking at it, I handled it pretty well. Sorry for the highjack, hope you don't mind. I guess it's on the What Would You Do topic???
