hopalong,ami,write,finding peace,moonlight,bigalspal,pennyplant,gratitude, spirally& tweety,
thank all of you for your encouraging words,hugs, and patience. i value each of your comments. bigalspal, nice to meet you, also. shewwwwww what a story. I am so happy that your true love found you. it sounds like you have a special husband. hold him tight and don't let him go. tell him often how thankful you are for his love.
it is sat, 8:20 p.m. where i am. i had a full day. my sister surprised me with a visit today! we had lunch, went shopping, had a massage, and ending our day together with a cone of ice cream sitting on a bench at the store front. God knew i needed her today, so He sent her my way. I am so thankful. i can't say i did not think of my xb/f, but i have not had time to dwell on him. after i got hm, i cleaned and did some laundry. I think after this post, i am going to bed and watch a little t.v. hopefully, i will find a good movie, and afterwards, fall off to sleep.
it is still weird not being with him on a sat evening, but i will just have to get use to it. i am going to try and think of the negative part of our relationship, instead of what was fun. he did, and said some mean things to me during our time together. I need to make myself understand that was all part of the relationship. once i started to bring those things out of the closet, maybe i will start to see him as he really is.
someone said in their post that he will probably treat his "new girlfriend" the way he treated me, and leave her as well. nothing would make me happier in knowing that she would leave him! i guess that is possible. They always seem to have things their way. they seem to be bigger than life. i must remind myself that the truth is, they are very unhappy people that have the ability to make others think they have it all together. What they really want is to be like us loving, caring, and capable of love, and to enjoy life.
I once read a statement by Mayou Angelo that said: "When a person shows you who they are, we are to believe them."