I don't feel that I have my stuff worked out, but I do know that there's been great progress. I'm not so fearful, I have a great desire to interact with people and exchange thoughts, and the little wisps of anger which do still come along are very short-lived.
It's definitely a learning process and, for me, it's been a matter of learning that I can do absolutely nothing apart from Christ.
What I rely upon is the fact that I don't have to keep a handle on all my stuff, because God has it all in His hands.
He has it - to the extent that I put it there, for His keeping.
Please do excuse me if my tone comes across cyberspace as preachy when I speak of these things.. that is really not my intent.
The thing is - Scripture and spiritual matters stir up great passion within me,
because these have been the vehicles, so to speak, of my renewal and the catalysts for so very many changes within me.
Trying to explain further...
I do not understand all of the Bible, but there are enough crystal clear truths that've settled into my spirit to rest assured that God reveals just exactly what His children need to know, at the very moment they require that knowledge, according as they submit themselves to Him.
So I read and study the Bible because I've seen evidence of the truth that faith comes by hearing
and hearing by the Word of God.
Which reminds me -
One of the Scripture websites I've used in study has the Bible available in numerous translations and also provides various study tools.
It even has a page listing oft-quoted verses which are not in the Bible.
The saying:
"God helps those who help themselves" is one of those.
Now I don't mention this to declare that your beliefs are wrong, Sela; but only to clarify that - imo - that particular phrase is entirely unScriptural. Over and over in the Bible, what I see are examples of people who knew that they could not save themselves, so they turned to God in utter dependence, and were delivered.
That would be me.
It's not that I expect God to solve all of my problems while I sit back and eat bon bons. It's that I know He is faithful to guide and protect me as I stay close to Him in His word, in prayer, and in obedience to His direction.
I also do not believe that good intentions ever delivered a person.
I have seen many people with good intentions, who've remained lost... including myself, in the past.
In my view, it is calling upon the name of the Lord which results in salvation.
From my own experience, which I believe lines up with the Bible, it was my recognition of how very far short I fall from the perfection of God & how very desperately I need Jesus Christ to be my Lord and Saviour
which brought me to the point of calling on Christ's name.
Re: self-love - I'm thinking that you and I are defining love differently, in this context.
I don't know how to clarify this part just yet, except to say
that if one aspect of "love" might be considered an intense level of interest...
well, I know alot of folks who don't "like", or respect, or seem to value themselves, but they're intensely interested in getting their own desires met.
Again, I was one.
Those desires were improperly focused, that's for sure... nonetheless they were more about "me" than about the "other".
Attempting to get needs met was the driving force behind my pouring myself into another person - and that is self-love, imo.
Self respect is another issue entirely, imo, and must be based on the knowledge that every single human being is created in the image of God.
And "liking" self... well that comes along with getting a firm foundation in identification with Christ and then walking in integrity, fessing up after a stumble, repenting, getting up, and continuing on in His footsteps.
Whew... again, sorry if that came out like sermonizing. I tried to keep it in a level tone, but not having posted much in awhile,
it's hard to know how to phrase things. Thank you for allowing me to make the effort to explain my beliefs.
I do understand what you've expressed about your method of recognizing critical put-downs and rejecting them.
Personally I never had an opportunity to practice that, because the put-downs were generally not verbal.
I guess that's why I place so much value now in trying to learn to express myself... like here, for instance.
I like to hear what other people are thinking and I enjoy running my thoughts past others for feedback.
And I appreciate constructive criticism more and more, because I do struggle to make myself clear and I'd rather keep plugging away at it then allow a misunderstanding to fester. Where I used to react to misunderstandings with exasperation, I can now take them as a more of an adventurous sort of challenge, because God's convinced me that neither my identity nor my value are dependent on someone else's opinion of me.
Besides, one of the more earth-shattering revelations to me throughout this process has been that I cannot reasonably expect to please all of the people, all of the time

Funny how I'd thought that was supposed to be my goal. Not any more. That knowledge is what's allowed me to come back here and try again to post and share.
About kindness... I think I agree with you, but maybe in a bit of a different way.
I think it's important that I be kind to others ...and allow God be kind to me.
The more of God's love I receive, the more I have to pass on to others... and I can only benefit in that process.
I think the Bible calls it having the love of God shed abroad in your heart by the Holy Spirit.
Anyhow, sometimes He uses other people to show His kindness to me. Sometimes He uses me to show other people His kindness.
I just like the way He does things!
And I know that I have alot of work to do yet... I think because I've not had many examples of gentleness to model in my life...
but God's been good to send a couple such gentle souls across my path here in 3-D life as well as online... so I'm grateful... and I'm learning.
Thanks for the discussion, Sela!