I haven't ever experienced something so satisgying.....
and yet so disturbing.....
at the same time.
SIN CITY, the movie.
I came in at the middle.
I don't watch much TV.
Something about watching big rugged comic book, bad boy, good guys.....
kill bad guys.....
for the right reasons......
in ruthless sociopathic ways....
::shaking head::.
What's so disturbing is that I feel bad for the good guys..... having to suffer the horror of so much killing.
Lot's of tight shots of their faces as they DO it.
You just know that killing is knocking a piece of them off every time.
But it seems necessary, somehow.
Standing up for those who can't do it themselves.
You don't want them to stop, even though it puts them in peril.
No denying it, I'm torn: /
More guilt: /
One of the bad guys,
a Senator,
just said.....
"True power doesn't come from a gun.... it comes from lying.' 'Once you got everybody agreeing on what they know in their hearts aint true... you got the world by the balls."
Hmmm..... how appropriately N'ish.
Strange eyes and teeth on this guy, creepy.
He said it to a good guy cop, hooked up to bottles in a hospital bed.
The cop popped his son for trying to rape and murder a little girl.
I don't think I can watch any more now.
Something about forcing that nice cop to confess to raping the child who's life he just saved?
Or they'll kill his wife?
Now they're beating him and I have to turn it off.
Not my cup of tea.
A real tough guy flick.
Well.... there were armed, kick ass good guy hookers too.
The one funny one says..... "You just hope your honesty doesn't make your friends realize something they didn't want to know"
Why did it have to end on sad?