Author Topic: classroom terrorists  (Read 3111 times)


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Re: classroom terrorists
« Reply #15 on: February 26, 2008, 05:39:34 PM »
We were discussing coping mechanisms on the board a bit today.

I learned that when we're triggered, or flooded (as it was referred to) is something we can't control and it takes over 20 minutes before our bodies can begin to recover from it.

That made sense to me bc I can't get out of it when I get triggered.... it has to pass and it does take a while.

The only way to get around it is to NOT go there in the few seconds before it happens.

We have to find some way to manage our emotions/responses so that we avoid the trigger/flooding.

I'm not sure how to do that, Lupita.

Still working on it.


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Re: classroom terrorists
« Reply #16 on: February 26, 2008, 06:08:18 PM »
Is this the one? Dear?

I am still coming out of the triggering I had this afternoon. I know people are trying to help, but I am irritated so easily.

I am trying to get there too. To not get paralized. On Friday I had a wonderful day until third period. On third period onw student said if I was going to sit on the overhead. Totally disrespectful. I got paralized, took me 24 hours to relized if I seated on the over head my ass would be reflected. So, on Monday I did not do anything.

So, I am working on it too.

Dont know what to do either.


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Re: classroom terrorists
« Reply #17 on: February 26, 2008, 06:15:30 PM »
I'm so sorry, Lupita.... lol.

You finally figuring out the part about your ass being reflected 24 hours later.... lol....

so sorry.


And you can't even give back the smart ass comments, to the little shits.

You're in a tough spot and I don't know how I'd deal how many ever teens you deal with 5 days a week.

Esp with little monsters mixed in. 


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Re: classroom terrorists
« Reply #18 on: February 29, 2008, 06:08:32 PM »
One of the most important things is to build credibility. An Ebglish teacher does not have to prove him self. Only has to work and it is granted.
A foreign teacher with an accent has to build a reputatio, build credibility, earn respect, much harder than a native English person.
Guess is the same in any area.


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Re: classroom terrorists
« Reply #19 on: February 29, 2008, 08:42:25 PM »
I think you care too much and are dependant on their opinions.

When you care more about your own opinion..... thiers mean less.


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Re: classroom terrorists
« Reply #20 on: March 01, 2008, 08:30:48 AM »
YOu are probably right Lighter. They push my bottons because they know.
Thank you for your opinion.
It is eleven weeks for the end of the eyar. And this year was not as bad as the last year was. Not even close.
So, I am getting little by little, better and better, just slowly.
Gid bless you.


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Re: classroom terrorists
« Reply #21 on: March 01, 2008, 10:57:27 AM »
Growth hurts. 

Changing hurts.

Staying the same hurts.

You absolutely couldn't stay where you were last year..... too much discomfort to do that.

Sometimes it seems to me that those of us who have less discomfort stay stuck longer...... myself included.

Huge unbearable pain is usually the main catalyst for big life change..... for most people I guess.... definately for me.

"when the pain of staying is worse than the pain of leaving, we go"

I guess that's one of the gifts problems and painful situations hold in their hands.

We'd be exactly where we were if we didn't HAVE to find a better way.... different path.... new belief systems.

Aint nuthin easy about it.....  but what a relief to look around and suddenly realize you've moved through a particularly dark place.... and now can see.

It's a surprising sensation..... bc it just sort of sneaks up.  It doesn't break over us in a moment of clarity.  It has to run it's cours and eventually we figure that out and stop fearing the pain so much.... begin accepting that it's all part of the process.

This will definately be a better year for you, Lupita. 


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Re: classroom terrorists
« Reply #22 on: March 01, 2008, 12:21:11 PM »
Not this, but the next one. Next year I will be a wonderful new teacher. I mean, a new teacher.

With thik skin, detached, professional, grown up, mature......bleh, ......di you believe me?

well, I will try at least.


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Re: classroom terrorists
« Reply #23 on: March 01, 2008, 12:24:03 PM »
I believed you, lol.

And you pretend till it becomes familiar then it becomes real.  ::nodding::