Author Topic: My Week  (Read 2283 times)


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My Week
« on: August 07, 2007, 12:20:58 PM »
Hi Everyone,

I've been out of town for a week.  I just got back yesterday.  Here's what happened while I was gone.  I'm glad to be back home and glad this past week is over. 

A week ago Friday Mammaw was evaluated at rehab to go back to assisted living.  She did very well and they moved her back Saturday.  Saturday night she fell but was okay, then she fell again and the director at assisted living said she needed someone with her 24 hours a day until she got better.   They took her to the hospital after the second fall and determined that she had another UTI.  They put her on antibiotics for it.  Every time she’s had a UTI it’s affected her walking, so I was sure that when the UTI cleared up she would be okay. 

On Tuesday evening the nurse came into the room to give Mammaw her meds.  She said she didn't have the antibiotic and we needed to check on it.  I called my mom and asked her about it, and went off on me telling me not to blame her and that she was doing the best she could and on and on and on she went.  I kept trying to explain to her that I wasn't interested in blaming anyone, but that it was real important for Mammaw to have her antibiotics and that we needed to call the doctor and make sure that assisted living had her antibiotic. 

My youngest daughter begged me to take her with me this time.  Last time I went to help with Mammaw she stayed here and went to daycare.   She said she didn’t want to go to daycare, she wanted to go with me and she wanted to visit Mammaw and Grandpa.  My father has been doing okay since taking the lactulose and the other drug that keeps him from getting sick to his stomach.  I talked to him before I left and he said he was feeling okay and he really wanted to see my daughter too, and to bring her with me.   I know now that was a mistake.

I was working with my parents to find Mammaw a 24 hour sitter for Mammaw so she could be taken care of when I left.  My Dad and I had spoken to my cousin about her finances, and he said that a 24 hour sitter along with the fee for assisted living would drain her funds too quickly.  She was already at level 4 at assisted living, and there is no level 5, which means without a 24 hour sitter she would have to be moved to a nursing home that had skilled help.  He said that if she moved back in with me, that she could easily afford a sitter for 8 to 12 hours a day.  Mammaw had also been begging me to talk to Dad about her coming back here.

The whole time all of this was going on, my mother had been working with me (I thought) about getting Mammaw a sitter.  This was before we talked to my cousin.  I talked with my Dad and found out that the whole time I had been gathering names for sitters, my mother had been talking to Dad about moving Mammaw to the nursing home right away, she said a decision had to be made right now, and Dad had been telling her that he wanted to talk to her doctor first to see if Mammaw could handle the plane ride back to my house.  This infuriated my mother.

The whole situation was very weird.  Mammaw would ask me if I was taking her with me, and Mom would yell at me when she did and storm out of the room.  Dad would look at me and apologize, and go try to calm down Mom.  In Mom’s eyes, I was responsible for everything Mammaw said.  It was my fault that she wanted to come back to my house and my fault that she was asking questions.   I  don’t know if I am capable of taking care of her now.  I know that I can’t without a full time sitter.  She can’t hardly walk at all.  Conversations are difficult for her and she’s frequently confused.  She sleeps much more than she use to. 

Mom kept going off on me, then the next time I would see her she would pretend nothing had happened.  It took a toll on me the whole time I was there and I was worried about my daughter witnessing all of it.  The whole week felt like one big panic attack.  My T has told me over and over that I am good at taking care of others but I don’t take good care of myself.  The last night I was there Mammaw was sleeping and my stomach was in a knot, I felt like screaming and I couldn’t calm myself.  I was worried about my daughter because of what she was witnessing, and worried about my father, and my grandmother, and it seemed that no matter what I was doing nothing was helping.   I decided that all of this was too much and it was time for me to leave.  My father called yesterday morning and said that they were on the way to assisted living, and I told him I had to go.  He said when do you need to leave and I told him right now, I said I needed to get on the plane right now.  I told him that the way mom was treating me was abusive, that I had grown up with that and it was making me crazy now, and that I had to leave.  They got to assisted living and I grabbed the keys and said I was going to the library to book our flights out.  My mom said what about your Dad’s Cat Scan tomorrow, I said I have to go.  Dad followed me to the car and  I couldn’t stop crying.  I told him I was sorry that I couldn’t be there tomorrow but I couldn’t handle the abuse and I had to go.  I told him that I wasn’t my mother’s garbage pail, and I couldn’t take it any longer.  He said he was sorry she was treating me that way and not to worry.   He said the cat scan was a routine procedure they did every so often and not to worry about it he would work it out and he helped me book our tickets at the library.  This was at noon, I booked the flight for 3, and Dad stayed with Mammaw while Mom drove me to the airport.  Mammaw said before I left not to do this to her, I told her I had to go.  Mom asked on the way to the airport if I had tried to schedule the flight after Dad’s cat scan, I said no, I have to go.  She said she was sorry things got so complicated.  I didn’t respond.  I knew she wasn’t sorry about anything.  I think she was surprised that I would walk away from it all. She cried when I got out of the car and I walked away.  I wasn’t fooled by her tears.  I couldn’t take anymore.  My emotional health had gone down the tubes in one week.  I couldn’t sleep and I couldn’t eat and it was time for me to go.

When she drove away and I was in line at the airport the panic stopped.  I was extremely sad, but the knot in my stomach left.  Today I still feel sad but not panicked.  My T has told me for 2 years that it’s not wrong to take care of myself, and this time I took care of myself and I am feeling okay now.   I think this is progress for me.

Mammaw’s doctors appt is tomorrow.  I don’t know what he will say about her coming back here.  I don’t know if she’ll be back here by the end of the week or whether dad will decide on a nursing home.  But I practiced what my T has been telling me to do for a long time.  And for me today there’s a lot of tears, but I feel safe and I feel like I did the right thing.

Thanks for listening.


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Re: My Week
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2007, 12:35:32 PM »


MS, What a daunting week.  I hope in the aftermath you'll keep  remembering to do what your T says and care for you.  Have to run now to take my mom to doctor's appointment.  I'll be praying for the right solution to the problems you face.



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Re: My Week
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2007, 12:53:02 PM »
So sorry you had such a hard week.   It sounded traumatic and I know it was ((MS))

Your mother has no boundaries and she uses your Mammaw and father to jerk you around. 

It's unfair and probably a lot calmer for them when you aren't there.

Giving it all back to your mother and father isn't giving up or not taking responsibility that belongs to you, IMO.

It's letting your mother take responsibility that belongs to her.

Dropping it in her lap.

Deal with the consequences of her actions.

You are responsible for caring for you and your child.

You did the right thing and I'm amazed at your strength MS.

Amazed... ::closing mouth::

This is jaw dropping strength, IMO.

((((MS, Mammaw, 2yo and Father))))

Certain Hope

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Re: My Week
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2007, 01:18:54 PM »
Dear Mountainspring,

I'm so sorry to hear all of this.
The whole situation is an impossible, confusing mess, in light of the personalities involved... like a tornado building up steam.
I feel and believe that you did the only thing that made sense... you stepped out of the path of the storm.

Hugs to you, MS... you did it. And you can do it again.
Praying for God's immediate comfort and strengthening for you.

With love,

Gaining Strength

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Re: My Week
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2007, 01:48:02 PM »

that whole story is so shocking.  It is so familiar and so very painful.  I admire so much for taking care of yourself.  That is what we absolutely must do.  I am so strengthened by your words:

But I practiced what my T has been telling me to do for a long time.  And for me today there’s a lot of tears, but I feel safe and I feel like I did the right thing.

That is a wonderful healing step.  So glad you had the strength to take it. - GS

finding peace

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Re: My Week
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2007, 06:18:08 PM »
Hi MS,

I read your post and felt that old familiar clenching in my gut.  It was so similar to the antics my parents used to pull.   

It just infuriates me when there is a crisis involving someone else, and they do everything they can to make it about themselves.  It is bad enough that they try to make it about themselves, but they do it in such a nasty, twisted way by attacking you at every turn, until it feels like you just can't breathe.

I am so sorry you have a mother like this, but am so very glad you were able to say enough, walk away, and get on that plane.  The first time I walked away was very hard, I was so scared, but it got a lot easier to walk away the next time.

I am not sure how old your D is, or if she was there - but if she is old enough and she witnessed that you walked away, you have given her a life's lesson that it is ok to walk away from abuse no matter who it is.  We can't shelter them from everything, but what we can do is teach them good coping strategies when life hits a road block (not something we were ever given - eh?).

Take care,
- Life is a journey not a destination


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Re: My Week
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2007, 06:28:33 PM »
Sounds like you did exactly the right thing MS.

That's the problem with difficlut and immature people- they respond to real crises by acting like it's happening to them and they have a right to act out all their emotions on someone else. You divined correctly that in this case it was you and you would continue to be abused until you put a stop to it.

It's always hard for families in these situations, I see a lot of 'bad family behaviours' come out in the nursing homes, after resentments have built up over the years or unresolved arguments etc.

But when you're being targeted like this and there's no let-up you can only withdraw and take care of yourself.

Much love to you and hope your grandmother's situation settles down soon. Unfortunately UTIs and falls seem to be very common in nursing home populations, but the staff will do their best to get her stable and take good care of her I'm sure.


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Re: My Week
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2007, 06:37:29 PM »
Dear MS,
  This is my gut reaction. Your mother is HORRIBLE. You will have to forgive me,but I am facing evil in my mother today and that is just what I see here.
  You handled it so, so well. You are an inspiration to me. I am glad that you are home.
  I think that you will do the right thing with your Grandmother.
  It sounds like most people are "good" in your family except your mother. That is how my family is, too.
  Wishing you peace and love     Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: My Week
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2007, 07:20:14 PM »
Thank you all for your posts.  When I was at the airport yesterday and my panic stopped that was my first indication that I had made the right decision.  And now as I’ve read your responses I’m even more convinced, I’ve called my T and will talk to her about it when she returns my call.

This feels different.  It feels better.  So many times when these things would happen  I responded by reacting and trying to make things okay.  Determined to stay, determined to work it out and fix things, not to let anyone down, to just try and stay and work things out.  But this feels better to me.  I don’t feel like I was wrong to leave.  I took a long nap today and I went over my journal of things I wanted to do and was doing before I left.  I was real glad I had written these things down, because reading them reminded me of where I left off.  When these things would happen before, I’d get so distraught and sidetracked that I wouldn’t continue with my life.  Tomorrow I’m going to pick up where I left off before the trip.  I had a decluttering project going, trying to get rid of everything we don’t need or use, and I was working on schedules, flylady projects, and other things that were making me feel better about my life and myself. 

I’m learning that staying around when my mother gets this way doesn’t help me or anyone else, and that my old ways of dealing with this situation just don’t work.  I think it’s okay for me to take care of myself when things get too difficult, and today I’ve thought about the things that have happened in the past. The lies she tells our relatives about me, the guilt trips, and the situations she puts me in where it doesn’t matter what I do, it’s never enough.  I’m sure that she’s started the gossip train, but you know what…. I don’t care.  People will either believe her or they won’t, and I really could care less whether they do or not. 

I was at my aunts house for dinner this past trip.  My father was staying that evening with Mammaw, and me and Mom and my daughter went to her house, along with other relatives that were visiting also.  And my mother started telling this story about how she had to take her neighbor to the hospital because she overdosed.  I was tired of hearing about it, so instead of sitting and listening to it, I noticed my aunt had gotten up and started clearing the table.  I thought, excellent, I’m going in the kitchen to help her.  And we started loading her  dishwasher  and she looked at me and said “Your mother sure does like drama”, and I said yes she does.  Then we talked of other things and served the pie.  But later I was thinking  about what she said, and I thought to myself that I’ve always assumed that people believed and agreed with my mother about whatever it was she was saying or doing at the time, but that this may be a wrong assumption on my part.  My aunt saw it, and when my mother started up again my uncle asked me if I wanted to go out in the back yard with him and my daughter and play on some play equipment he had made for his grandchildren.  We went out there and she played and then he showed me his garden until it was time to leave.  He was very kind.  I’ve never spoken of the things that happen to my aunt or my uncle, but I think they had a sense about what was going on.  Maybe my mother living in the same town has opened their eyes.

The last thing my mother said to my daughter was that she was soooooo sorry that she didn’t get to take her swimming because she had promised her she would but didn’t know I would be leaving so suddenly.  My daughter said it was fine, that she was ready to go home, but my mother went on and on until I told her to stop.  And on the plane I asked her if she was sad she didn’t get to swim and she said no, that she missed her daddy and her dog and she was glad we were going home.

Anyway, this trip taught me a lot.  Mostly it taught me that when I decide to take care of myself I feel better.  And feeling sad about how things turned out is healthier for me than staying and feeling panicked.  I think responding to bad situations works a lot better for me than reacting to them.  And I think my mother may think twice before treating me that way again, but if she doesn’t that’s fine too.  I know that if I walk away from the storm I’ll be okay.  This is a huge lesson for me. 



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Re: My Week
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2007, 07:24:15 PM »

What incredible, extraordinary stress.
I can easily understand why you felt the panic.

I'm so so so pleased to hear you made a survival decision.
Mamaw understands it all in her heart of hearts, you know.

Keep on putting yourself and your little one first.
That is how it is.

lots of love,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: My Week
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2007, 09:01:42 PM »
my mother went on and on until I told her to stop

and you told her!
Good for you.

when I decide to take care of myself I feel better.

it's better for your child too, and your family, even your mother if she but knew it...

So glad you feel better!

Certain Hope

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Re: My Week
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2007, 11:21:37 PM »
Dear Mountainspring,

I think that God gave you some very fine sense and He's thrilled that you're following it. That's what I think.
Big hugs.



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Re: My Week
« Reply #12 on: August 07, 2007, 11:54:36 PM »
Now you just need to get used to taking care of yourself and being comfortable with it. 

Eventually...... it won't feel so alient anymore....and you'll be modeling self care for your dd. 

Win win, IMO: )