Author Topic: "shock tactics" of the N  (Read 1980 times)


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"shock tactics" of the N
« on: August 01, 2007, 05:06:19 PM »
i was just reading this, and it was a real lightbulb moment for me.  amazing.  for years, my N father confused me the last time i saw him with a "shock tactic".  basically, he asked me what how i really felt about my stepmother (his wife), i told him "i love her, but sometimes i think she's a little "off" about what she says"....he asked for clarification, so i clarified in more detail...he asked for more clarification...and on and on, until finally i'd said "well, it was because she said "Bob and i never yell at baby James", when you'd just spoken really sharply to him, which was pretty much a "yell".......well, my father FREAKED out when i said this....screaming, his face changed to this insane person's face that i didn't recognize...he was in my face, pointing his finger in my face, screeching and yelling and saying the most awful, hurtful things to me.  it was very out-of-the-blue, unexpected, and i was completely shocked by it.  then he'd stop yelling and seem to calm down and say "so what are you trying to say, huh?  huh?!", so i'd try and smooth things over and drop the subject, but he'd insist i  keep explaining myself, almost as if there were some magic words i should be saying, that he was looking for.  but then i'd try to explain again, and he'd start screeching and get all in my face again.  it was the most insane thing i've ever experienced, and it went on for hours.  pretty soon, my psycho N stepmother (i think she's an inverted N....i told my father i loved her because i really tried so hard to love her back then, just to have a relationship with my N father....all so twisted up), and sexually abusive stepbrother joined in ganging up on me, insulting my then-boyfriend and me, etc.  i left at 6:00 am in the morning, after having not slept all night due to this insane carnival of a fight.  i called a cab, they came and picked me up and took me to the airport, and i've never seen my father since.

this is what i read just now, and finally, FINALLY, i understand now what that was all about.

essentially, what he was waiting to hear me say was "i was wrong, i'm a piece of s**t, you're amazing blah blah blah", basically grovel at his feet.  well, i groveled, but it honestly never crossed my mind to "admit" i'd been wrong to say what i'd said...since what i'd said seemed so innocuous to me (and still does), and i thought we'd been having a heart-to-heart conversation, that he was actually paying attention to me and listening to i made the mistake of trusting him, and then he did that.  anyway, it all makes so much sense now.


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Re: "shock tactics" of the N
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2007, 05:11:01 PM »
also, he totally did the "Let's Play Pretend It Never Happened" before i left....he was all calm, made a bed for me on the couch, etc...said , "alright, see you in the morning, goodnight", completely, totally calm.  soon i was listening to all of them snore, while i was completely traumatized and felt as though i'd been hit by a truck emotionally and physically.


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Re: "shock tactics" of the N
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2007, 05:45:50 PM »
Terrible NMMG

Are you saying that NOW there is No more Contact with him and step-momma?

N here, left him 5 years ago, pulled a few shockers on me, but I took it in stride.

told me in a restauirant during a heavy snow storm that if I accepted another (second) glass of wine he would just go home-- well I did, he did, but I stayed and really enjoyed my meal and finally called a cab. Meanwhile, unbeknowst to me, he beat the crap out of my car, (cost $1500.00 to fix) and the snow had covered up the damage by the time I came home.

That's the one that got to me the most, as all his other tantrums casued damage to his stuff, not mine!


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Re: "shock tactics" of the N
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2007, 06:04:20 PM »
oh my...they really are like 3-year-olds emotionally...i mean, for real, that's how old they are. 

that reminds me of the time my mom told me about...they were at a restaurant, and all my N father could talk about was his court case tactics and strategies, how brilliant he is, etc.  my mom said "would you mind if we maybe talked about something else for a while?".  oh boy, big mistake!  he left her there at the restaurant.  i don't think he beat anything up at home, but he still left her stranded.

anyhoo, no, i have NC with my father and stepmother, although i had to call them recently bc my sister was gravely ill in the hospital.  that turned into a nightmare real quick, and i regretted calling/emailing him.  he hasn't changed a bit.


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Re: "shock tactics" of the N
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2007, 06:13:57 PM »

NMMG anyhoo, no, i have NC with my father and stepmother, although i had to call them recently bc my sister was gravely ill in the hospital.  that turned into a nightmare real quick, and i regretted calling/emailing him.  he hasn't changed a bit.

Something you said, struck me here.  YOu said "although I HAD to call them recently..."
I just want to say that NOBODY HAS to do anything, especially as far as an insane, abusive person is concerned.  You do not HAVE to call an abuser...I don't care if someone in the family is dying or has died...NEVER EVER ARE YOU OBLIGATED TO CONTACT AN ABUSER in your family or otherwise.  You may CHOOSE to, but you do not HAVE TO.

To feel obligated to be the "glutton for punishment" by these unstable, delusional folk, is just not healthy, and it is playing right into their need for more NS.  Let your poor DECENT friends and relatives live and die in peace, WITHOUT THE N present in their lives.


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Re: "shock tactics" of the N
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2007, 06:51:12 PM »
thank guys...yes, i guess my feeling of trying to do the "decent" thing by calling the father of a daughter who may die may have, in this case, not applied.  because in the end, all the ended up happening was he hurled insults left and right to me and my entire family, to my possibly dying sister (she didn't die, thank god), and anyone and everyone he could think of.  it was really just too much.  he made it all about him.  if anyone was ever an N, it is my the 'T'.  my family all warned me not to call him, but i did.  i kept thinking "what if she dies and they didn't get a chance to see each other again because no one told him?"....i didn't feel i could live with that guilt.  of course, he never went to see her anyway, didn't call her, didn't send her flowers, and insisted on saying derogatory things about her.  yuck. 

here's another really insightful and informative article regarding this "shock tactic" of the N:

Ami, that's exactly how the "shock" thing made me feel, too....and just really, really confused.  i realized later that he must be an N and that he'd gotten his ego hurt...but the article up there explained it so clearly, for the first time i really understand it now.

also, i'm really glad to be here too...this board seems like it's much more up my just feels right.