Author Topic: who moderates here?  (Read 7455 times)


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Re: who moderates here?
« Reply #45 on: August 01, 2007, 03:45:39 PM »


Typical N or Nish. 

Take it with a grain of salt and remember where the comment is coming from.  You can't tell them off but you can cut them off. 

Good for you. 



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Re: who moderates here?
« Reply #46 on: August 01, 2007, 04:56:34 PM »
you know, i don't even really care about the comment anymore.  good riddance, is what i think now...the guy was a real weird-o anyway.  very N-ish.  i didn't need anyone like that in my life.  so it's a blessing in disguise that he said what he did, in the end.  i'd considered terminating my "friendship" with him many times prior to his comment.


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Re: who moderates here?
« Reply #47 on: August 02, 2007, 11:32:35 AM »
wow, OMG!  check this out quick before it gets deleted entirely:

this is exactly the kind of thing i was talking about over there.  "matilda" is one of the managers/moderators of the site who accused me of being "divisive" by questioning Vaknin's motives and credentials.  here she is gay-bashing in this thread!  what IS going on over there???


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Re: who moderates here?
« Reply #48 on: August 03, 2007, 11:00:00 AM »
oh geez.

i still have "white trash" dude programmed in my phone.  he called last night for the first time in like 7 years.  i didn't answer it, and waited until this morning to check his voicemail.  i was thinking it would be something like "hey, can we talk?  i'm sorry if my comment upset you" know, what most people would say.  and trust me, he knows his comment upset me, considering i blocked all of his various personal and band profiles on myspace, and retorted to his comment with a very sarcastic and upset message.

anyway, no, his voicemail wasn't what a "normal" person would say.  all he wanted to do was let me know his band was playing last night (he called at 8:30 pm), a week night, 120 miles away from where i live.

i think this must be another example of "Let's Play Pretend It Didn't Happen"...(and "you can go right back to being my mirror, my NS, just like nothing's changed").

what's funny is i wouldn't be receptive to such an invite, i said, i live in a totally different city, it was a week night, there was no warning...AND, the last time he invited me to go watch his band play, his guitarist insisted i leave the room and pay to get in.  now, not sure who here is familiar with the "local band" scene....but, where i come from, if you've played music with someone and dated someone before, known them since high school, and they specifically invite you to see their band, AND you've made multiple efforts to get their band a venue to play at in your town, you DO NOT make that person pay to get in to see your show.  that's just horribly obtuse and bad manners.

so.  why would i go see this dude's band play after all of the above, at the last minute?  complete arrogance, i tell you.  hmph!

you know, in a way, i'm kind of glad he didn't try to apologize or anything.  that would have made it more difficult for me to continue ignoring him and keep him out of my life.


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Re: who moderates here?
« Reply #49 on: August 03, 2007, 11:47:25 AM »
Oh I sincerely hope you can continue to ignore him completely and give him no satisfaction.  Not the smallest.


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Re: who moderates here?
« Reply #50 on: August 03, 2007, 03:14:11 PM »
no, i won't.  i will ignore, ignore, ignore.

it still is nice to have a place i can vent, though, where people understand.  at least i was never in love with this guy, and he was never a very good friend...makes it easier.

besides, there's more important things to worry about right baby!


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Re: who moderates here?
« Reply #51 on: August 03, 2007, 03:39:14 PM »
Hey NMMGs,

You know I didn't even ask you how many months you are?  How many?  Is this your first?  Exciting isn't it. 
I remember towards the end I was just nesting away.  I even cleaned walls with a sponge. 
And oh boy do I miss that smell of new baby with all the lotions. 

That will make you forget at least temp about all those nasty people out there.

Thanks for making me remember it.
