The spider's web is a good metaphor........ will keep that one in mind.
Bored ridgid!!!!!!!!!! Mr Super Smart Genius had no idea how to have a conversation. Going out for dinner was incredibly boring. I would try and initiate a conversation, ask a question, he would either
A. Ignore it
B. Discount it
C. Answer a completely different question.
It was mind boggling to say the least.
As you will have gathered at this stage I really enjoy conversation/words, I felt as if he was always trying to put a gag on my mouth. The idea of going out taking time over dinner sipping a little wine was an athema to him........... instead it was lets gobble down the food, slug the beer and when he was finished leave.... no lingering... maybe conversation was too much like intimacy or maybe he would have had to acknowledge my existence. Who knows!
This is what absolutly whizzed my brain....... the fact that nothing was rational. Eventually I too figured out it was all in the moment, that nothing meant anything, it really is so bizzare, one has to experience it to understand it.
I found that interesting also the fact that at some level they do not care about what anyone thinks of them they will just go ahead bull headed. Where I come from we would use the term "they have no shame" by this I mean that most people have some awareness of what is/is not acceptable behaviour.
I never had kids with XN thankfully but have had the experience of someone systematically trying to break me. One would imagine that at some stage they would get bored with this but no, the game is just too good for them, gives them a sense of power. I know when I get a desire for revenge I have a bit of a fantasy but feel bad afterwards........ Ns don't they thrive on it.
Not a particularily religious person normally but do hang onto "Revenge is mine sayeth the Lord!