I am going to start law school on Monday. After my husband left another COBRA bill for me to pay for both of us (he put my maiden name on it, scratched off "his" name)
Tomorrow I have to pay the first installment for law school, so the timing really stirred things up (insecurity, feeling I have no where to fall, stupid decision, going through a divorce will make me distracted and I will fail, etc)I got a bit shaky, questioned myself, the folly of spending the money for tuition, etc. These posts make me realize that I have to risk something on MYSELF and START LIVING NOW-care for me, and not listen to anyone who doesn't value me or my life. If I fail, well, I haven't had a vacation in 15 years, so I'll just have blown the money and time in law school on having a fun, interesting (and expensive ) time living out my dream (people go to fantasy baseball camp with NO chance of becoming a Yankee!) And just maybe I can do it and succeed !!!
Anyway, thank you all so much. You have been so kind, wise and supportive and I am breaking free of so much garbage as the result of your kindness and tutelage (though I falter and simper at times)-I am getting my life back and enjoying it as well!!!!