Towrite, you said:
To tell the truth - and I am tearing up as I write this - I spent my entire childhood watching her attitude change from me to my brothers and deep down decided it was me - I was somehow bad, flawed, to blame - and I spent all my formative years wandering in a haze of confusion about what was so bad about me, what did I do wrong.
This is me – I got it from both parents and it was reinforced by my brother. I still feel the hurt at being thrown to the wolves while my brother and sister were catered to on so many levels. In some ways it is getting better (thank god for this board) - but there is still a part of me that is resisting changing this belief - and I can't figure out why. It will come.
You also asked:
If my mother projected all her bad feelings onto me, why would she punish me for them?
My thought on this, she was never punishing you, she was punishing herself (you were never really a person to her – only a mirror – and she hated what she saw in that mirror, never you - only herself.) Now I write this, and think that is probably true for my family as well, but I suspect in some cases (like ours) there may be another layer - I think for some adults it is a power trip to abuse kids - gives them a sense of power and control. I have to think more on this.
I am sorry in advance for asking this, if it is too painful please ignore, is the brother who punched you and fired a gun at your head the one who committed suicide?
Also, (the following is said with so much sadness in my heart for you) I have to say that I am stunned at the level of abuse you have endured all of your life. Are you still associating with them on a regular basis? Frankly, your brother scares me. My brother did some pretty violent things too, and after one particularly violent act (not nearly as violent as what you had), I stayed as far away from him as I could and swore I would never be alone with him.
I am so sorry towrite, you have been through hell.