Author Topic: good article:rebound relationships & building for the fu  (Read 2349 times)


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good article:rebound relationships & building for the fu
« on: April 28, 2004, 08:41:00 AM »

...recognize your own needs for healing, regrouping and creating yourself anew. Realize that being out of a relationship is not all a bad thing. It’s a precious opportunity to grow in ways that you cannot grow when you’re with someone. It’s a wonderful time to forge a better relationship with YOU, to learn from the past and resolve resentments and judgments you may have about yourself or your past partner. It’s a time to reconnect with your spiritual life, or to explore that realm if you haven’t done so before. It’s a terrific time to take up a new hobby or study something you’ve never had time for. It’s great to suddenly have space to bond with friends on a deeper level. There’s time to expand your support system, to create more balance in your life, to build a solid foundation for whatever life you choose to lead in the future.

You’re going to survive, and you will live to see another day of laughter and fun and love. But every season unfolds in its time, and it’s best to accept the season you are living in rather than artificially try to rush through to the next one. Walking around in your bathing suit in January doesn’t make it any warmer out, any more than trying to fall in love makes you any less needy.

I decided to take a few months out from romantic relationships

1) I don't trust myself to make good choices yet eg. not to caretake needy people, not to filter out abusiveness.

2) I need to work on my body language/ boundaries to stop attracting/ letting in narcissists and 'players'.

3) I'm still growing into my new self and getting involved will change that

4) I'm actually having a blast with friends, acquaintainces and new activities, just going to enjoy that for now.