You are Right Write!
As I was dragging my heavy law books and computer in the broiling sun near my NH's precious Starbucks (and I think his new flame's workplace) with my cane, my hair beginning to creep out of its neat bun into a hideous mess, my odd clothes rumpled and sticky, my dodgy foot swelling and throbbing, and my face- well you don't even want to know what was going on there! I had an epiphany- I could no longer grant appeasements to the "greedy spoiler" ( in political science, a cowardly party who interferes in a peace process in order to exact gains when it appears that there would be no down side in a cost benefit analysis) who is my NH- he will not keep his agreements, anyway,just like any other greedy spoiler, but will simply see what I give him as a sign of weakness, and pressure me for more. Somehow, I am expected to keep his secrets and expose myself to liability in order to protect his lawsuit ( that I assisted him with from the onset)? Uh-Uuuuuuhhh!
I will send no money (he actually said that he was shocked that we have debt...AW GEEE). I guess I should send him all of my retirement funds, and trust that he will keep his word about the house. HA HA. And the guns- if I tell him the thing about the lawyer he will freak out, because he wouldn't want his lawyer to know that we are separated even ( stupid, huh), and certainly nothing about the guns. I think I will send him a suit or two, though. (Lawsuits? Divorce papers?) I'm feeling especially generous (NOT, but really he is entitled to his things, and I'd rather he not bother me here). How should I do this? Has anyone ever mailed jackets, pants, etc?
Thank you,